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Finn's POV~
I reluctantly answered the call from Noah and brought my phone up to my ear. "Hello?" I asked annoyed.

"Finn! Millie she's- Millie, wake up!" He shouted.

'Wake up? Is she sleeping? Why's he yelling?'

"Millie, fucking wake up!" He yelled again.

"Noah, what's going on? Why are you yelling?" I ask confused as my eyebrows furrowed.

No reply, just heavy breathing.

"Noah! What's going on?!" I ask impatiently. "Fucking, Noah, tell me what's wrong!" I shout angrily.

"Millie, come on, wake up." I heard him say in a more sad tone.

"What's wrong with Millie?!" I shout into the phone, needing to get an answer back.

"Just get here!" Noah replied and the call ended.

"Shit!" I cursed as I got out of bed and ran downstairs, slipping on my Nikes that were by the front door.

"Hey, Finn!" My mom yelled but I just ignored her. I grabbed the keys out of the bowl and ran outside to my car. I got in and drove off, my mom yelling from the door.

I was going faster than I have ever gone before. eighty miles per hour.

I grabbed my phone and called Noah. It's ringing. "Come on, Noah. Pick up." I tapped my finger on the steering wheel.

No answer.

"Goddammit." I muttered under my breath as I was nearing Noah's house.

I finally got to the house after what felt like forever. I basically jumped out of the car and ran to his door. I tried to open the door but it's locked, I started banging on the door. "Noah! It's me! Open up!" I hit the door harder.

I heard loud footsteps that got closer to the door as I was tapping my foot impatiently. The door unlocked and opened, showing Noah. My eyes immediately went down to his hands, which were red.

"Millie, she's upstair—."

"What the fuck is on your hands?! Why are they red?!" I ran into the house.

"It's Millie! Her arms—."

'She's cutting herself.'

"Fucking, shit! I thought she stopped!" I shouted angrily as I ran upstairs to his room. The door was already open as I ran in by her. She was on the ground, laying flat on her back with her arms at her sides. Her arms were bloody. There were blood soaked tissues by her.

I dropped to my knees as I looked at her arms. Noah came in a few seconds later. "Millie, what the hell did you do?" I mumbled. "Millie, wake up." I started shake her.


I pressed my ear against her chest. A very weak heartbeat.

"What are we gonna do?!" Noah asked frantically.

"Go the fucking hospital! Start the car!" I threw my keys at him and he ran back downstairs.

I turned back to Millie, I set her arm on her torso. I scooted closer and put my arm under her knees and my other behind her back, then picked her up and left downstairs.

"Millie, you're going to have to wake up for me." I whispered as I went to the front door. I clenched my jaw as Noah came toward us in the car, I got in the front seat, not even bothering to put Millie in the backseat. Still, I had her in my arms as I shut the door. "Drive!" I shouted at Noah. He started driving.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐞 ~ 𝐅𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 ~Where stories live. Discover now