7. Cold Comfort Pt 1

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Their walk to the Regal Gardens was silent, the only sounds accompanying the two being their regular footsteps and the occasional string of words leaving the mouths of passersby. Petra made sure to leave not less than an arm's distance between them, avoiding Jungkook's eyes at all costs. She was grateful that he wasn't asking questions or indulging in any small talk; she didn't think she could look him in the eyes without going through an existential crisis each time.

It took them not more than ten minutes to reach the restaurant, located inside a park at the outskirts of the campus and overlooking an endless range of healthy pine trees. The restaurant itself was a huge gazebo with several plants dangling from the roof, some of which Petra recognized as lush green jade plants and the heart-leaf philodendron. A pleasant aroma filled the space that was occupied by no more than a group of girls at one table and a couple at another, and Petra felt her insides tingle with tranquil warmth.

She didn't realize she was gaping at the place like a lovestruck idiot until Jungkook's voice sounded from beside her. "Peaceful, isn't it?"

He was silently admiring one of the hanging plants, brushing his fingers against the leaves with a tender smile. When his eyes shifted to hers, she quickly looked away and nodded.

They chose the table at the far end, underneath a bowl of succulent-looking English ivy. Jungkook ordered some beef bulgogi while Petra opted for a plate of Korean dumplings, her favorite. They sat silently across from each other for a while with Petra either toying with the zip of her backpack or scrutinizing the grass. When she accidentally flicked her gaze to the boy seated before her, she realized he'd been staring at her all the while.

"I didn't know this place existed," Petra tried, having nothing better to say.

"Not many people do," Jungkook said. He nodded at the bald-headed man with rimless spectacles sitting at the counter, staring at his computer. "The man who owns this restaurant used to be my dad's friend. It was appa's idea to build this place away from the humdrum of campus for his group of friends. They even jokingly sent out an invitation to the President for its inauguration. Turns out he actually came."

Petra realised that there was no trace of melancholy on Jungkook's face when he talked of his father, a fond smile gracing his features instead as he traced the swirling patterns on the wooden table with a reminiscent finger. When he looked up, his eyes wandered before regarding her.

"Don't you think," he began, leaning forward a little, "since we're going to be working together on research projects throughout the year, maybe we should try to - you know what I mean - get to know each other a bit?"

That was certainly not what she had in mind before coming here. As much as the easy-going, soft-spoken version of Jungkook sitting before her was nothing like the indignant boy who had resolutely humiliated her in the library, Petra knew that Jeon Jungkook entailed trouble. She was unaware of what lay in store for her if she got involved with him, and a part of her wanted to remain ignorant. But here, sitting amidst swishing trees, twittering sparrows and the smell of rosemary, Petra couldn't help but loosen up a little, muffling the protests of rationality and logic that clawed at her mind.

She smiled slightly. "I think you're right. So, what do you say? Twenty-one questions?"

Jungkook laughed, waving his hands around in a blatant no. "That makes me nervous. For starters, are you from Seoul?"

"No, Incheon. My two brothers and I were born and raised there, and that's where my mom and dad live."

"Oh," he mused, curious. "I was born in Seoul and lived here for quite a few years, then shifted to Busan." He looked around contemplatively. "This place has changed a lot since the last time I saw it."

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