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D A R K  M A T T E R

☯ D A R K  M A T T E R ☯

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"And one by one, the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us."

- Pablo Neruda

☯ D I S C L A I M E R ☯

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, locales and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Some places mentioned in the story are real Korean sites that have been used and modified by the author to fit the plot line. Names of BTS members and other Kpop artists have been used solely for appearances and do not represent their real-life counterparts.

☯ C O P Y R I G H T S ☯

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author. In short, no plagiarism. I don't think anyone would want to copy this crap anyway...

Copyrights © 2019 by @aryasaurous

☯ A U T H O R ' S N O T E ☯

Dearest reader,

This is my first attempt at writing a FanFiction for a group of boys that I have come to love with all of my heart, and the inkling of a plotline swimming around my mind for as long as I can remember. Here are a few pointers I wanted to mention:

(i) Our leading lady, whom you will meet in the first few chapters, can be any female character of your imagination. You can also visualize yourself as her, if you wish.

(ii) This book may contain mature themes (mild action, peppered profanity, etc) but, emphasizing the FICTION in FanFiction, in no way does it reflect the band and it's members.

(iii) Since this is my first attempt at writing for something that is not my school magazine or personal book of wandering thoughts, I request you to be a little kind with your comments, if you can :) Criticism is always welcome for as long as it's constructive. Although I consider myself blessed to have readers, voting and commenting act like encouraging high-fives and pats on the back for someone still insecure about their writing.

(iv) This story takes place in cities of South Korea (Seoul, Busan, Incheon, etc) that have been used to solely enrich the quality of the storyline. Never is it my intention to seem culturally insensitive or ignorant, and if I make a mistake, kindly help me rectify it.

Thank you for choosing to give my book a chance, and if you have read thus far I'm incredibly grateful. I love you. I hope you have a great time.

Truly yours,


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