1. Worldwide Shoulders Save the Day

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He remembered that the mission was not supposed to end with him choking to death.

Especially not by a pair of ridiculously thick thighs.

"Hey – time out, time out!"

He punched his fists on the thighs curled around the sides of his neck, frantically whisper-yelling to the being seated on his shoulders. Even for someone who worked-out as much as he did, the hefty weight caused his mind to spin in circles as a throbbing ache settled in the crook of his neck.

The perpetrator of his discomfort, however, seemed not the least bit phased by his breathless complaints, making no move to get down from his shoulders. He grew increasingly exasperated at that, tilting his body and dropping the being off of him when the weight grew unbearable.

"What the hell?" he shrieked at the chestnut-haired man who had now fallen on his hip beside him.

It was a little past midnight. Light from the florescent bulbs in the corridor allowed the eyes to see rows of tall mahogany shelves filled with glass vials and cylinders lining the walls, and alabaster slab counters trashed with broken lab equipment. The rest of the room was hidden in the dark, concealing adventurous ants and spiders scuttling around the desolate corners.

The fallen man was wide-eyed, staring at him with an amalgam of shock and betrayal. The intensity in his eyes shifted almost instantly, reflecting blatant, uninhibited rage.

"Don't you what the hell me!" the chestnut-haired man snarled, eyes bulging out of their sockets and his plump red lips curving into a disbelieving pout. "I raised you for seven years. Seven years! You leave my sight for three hours –"

"Three years."

"– and give me this bullshit? I can manage a whole year without working with all the money I've spent on you, and have you ever thought of repaying even a single note?"

"Hyung –"

"All you and your useless sloths of friends do is trash my apartment, get drunk, get laid –"


"Why did you drop me down?!" Seokjin asked, voice hushed but angry nonetheless. He settled on his backside and braced his elbows on his knees.

"You should just let me climb on your shoulders instead."

"With all the muscle you have packed between your bones?" he said, gesturing matter-of-factly at the boy's torso. "I'd rather eat tasteless food for dinner than die in the honorable presence of spiders and a hundred and fifty-four pound boy."

"Not much of a surprise," the boy said nonchalantly, scratching the back of his neck. "Seems like your shoulders aren't as worldwide as you claim them to be."

Seokjin's face contorted in fury at that and he stood up, placed his hands indignantly on his hips, and huffed out a breath. "You're just jealous."

"Please, hyung. Help me just this once."

Jin sighed, eyes squinting against the moonbeams that bled through the open window of the dark store room. "Remind why we're here again?"

The boy recalled with disdain the memory of a widely-grinning Namjoon running towards his pair of glass test tubes filled with dilute potassium permanganate that he was so intrigued by, dangling them in his hands like they were Christmas confetti, only to drop them on the tiled floor with an ear-piercing shatter a moment later.

"Remember Joon hyung breaking my test tubes?" he said. "Yeah, and my interview for getting into Seoul University is tomorrow and never will I ever be given extra chemicals for the experiment I need to present as part of my CV, because equipment and substance management is one of the most important parts of biochemistry, as our professor had said himself. If I don't complete my project by the morning, that's it. My chances of getting into this place are as small as Jimin hyung's pinky. So you're here to help me steal some potassium permanganate and a packet of test tubes."

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