Petit Papillon

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"Child." A voice boomed from the center of the dark room, it was smooth, silvery, and threatening. "What did I tell you about spying on me? You have work to do." He growled, not even bothering to look around him and locate the figure in the shadows.

Swiftly, the shrouded form headed for a dark door located towards the back of the room and slipped out. Jumping over the railing of the dark spiral staircase, they fell through the large opening and to the floor. Landing with the grace and balance of a ballerina, the girl looked down and noticed a tiny white butterfly floating around her ankles.

"Bonjour mon petit papillon," The girl's voice was like liquid metal, rolling off her tongue with poison. "I told you not to watch me while I'm working."

Clad in a skin-tight white suit, the mysterious girl lept across the buildings of Paris, blood red mechanical wings spread behind her with each jump adding air as she sprang from roof to roof. She was running toward an ongoing battle between an akumatized villain and the heroes of Paris: Chat Noir and Ladybug. As the girl approached the preoccupied heroes, she dropped down to the streets so as to not be noticed by any of the parties. Dashing across streets and turning corners, she ran towards the action. As she got the building that the fight waged on top of, she began her ascent. Fingers gripping the uneven surface and using the mechanical appendages on her back as a boost when a hold was too far away. She hoped that everyone was too caught up in their fighting to notice the machine's whirring sounds as it flapped.

"Lucky Charm!" She heard a feminine voice call out. Just in time, the girl thought to herself.

'This means they only have a short amount of time before their transformation runs out.' Moving quickly, she climbed up to the edge of the building and waited before she was certain that Ladybug and Chat Noir had captured the Akuma. She sprang up, once again using the red appendages for a push. She landed without noise and waited for them to notice her.

When they didn't, she decided to clear her throat and the two heroes snapped their heads to look at her. She stood, arms folded with an impatient glare in her eye. The blond boy's eyes widened in shock and Ladybug stood confused, taking a slightly defensive stance.

"Are you a new hero?" Questioned the spotted girl, eyes the razor-sharp wings behind her. With that, the h/c let out a small snicker but immediately returned to her almost angry expression.

"No." She glared at both of the do-gooders and darted her sharp eyes between the two. "I'm here for your Miraculous." She held out her hand, almost as if she was expecting them to just hand it over. A beeping sound came from Chat's ring and he glanced at Ladybug nervously.

"We haven't got much time left," He whispered in her direction. "Maybe three minutes at the most, and look," he pointed to her face. "She doesn't have the red akumatized mark. This girl isn't being manipulated." Ladybug made a curt nod in understanding.

"We have to run." She whispered back and in a fast motion, they turn and fled for the opposite side of the roof.

The girl stood shocked for a moment, expecting some sort of distraction or fight. It confused her that they did not at least throw something her way.

"Maybe I should have put that red pigment on my face... then they might have thought to fight instead of run." She thought out loud before letting out a sigh and giving chase. Coming back empty handed was not an option. He had waited far too long for this opportunity and she knew that if she failed him, there would be hell to pay.


"We have to split up!" Chat yelled with a grunt as he and Ladybug dropped from a building and onto the streets. They had decided to put some distance between the mysterious girl and themselves before jumping out of sight.

"Right, make sure you transform so she can't recognize us." She said with a wave before running away, carefully dodging cars. Chat stared for just a second too long before running off the other way. His lungs burned as he rounded another corner, hearing the loud angry cries of the mysterious girl from before. His adrenaline starting to run dry. He desperately looked around for a place to transform. Not too long after his eyes landed on an empty alley that he quickly slid into.He leaned against the brick wall, resting his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Slowly, his suit dissolved and a small black creature fell into his hands.

"Need... Cheese..." It wheezed out, reaching a tiny arm up towards Adrien's fluffy hair.

"I know, buddy. We'll find some soon. I just need to catch my breath." Thoughts swirled in Adrien's head as he thought about the mysterious girl and somehow ended up as to how it had started raining so quickly. The wet stones of the sidewalk shined as water dripped down the side of Adrien's face.'I wonder if she has a miraculous just like me and Ladybug.' Adrien thought as he walked into a nearby cheese shop and asking for some camembert. He smiled as he took the bag from the older lady across the counter and walked out of the store, handing a piece to his tiny friend. He began the long walk home, keeping Plag in his pocket.

"Do you know anything about her?" He asked, keeping his eyes straight forward. He felt Plag shake his head and he let out a sigh of frustration, kicking a puddle. "She's either working with Hawkmoth or against him then." He glared at the sky, blonde tresses sticking to his face almost as if he was looking for the girl herself, but he knew she would be long gone. Suddenly he found himself on his ass. Shaking his head, he looked up to see the darkened figure. The silhouette was clearly female and obviously angry.

"Watch where you're going." She seethed.

"Sorry..." Adrien muttered as he got up and slowly walked away. A quiet scoff was heard as he rounded the corner and walked away. "Bitch," he whispered.

~~~Hey guys! So obviously I'm gonna rewrite this entire book and a lot is gonna be different. The basic plot will remain but the chapters are gonna be longer (this one is over 1,000 words unlike the last one which was around 600). I'm actually editing chapters too so hopefully they make more sense. Obviously, some mistakes will slip through the cracks, I'm not perfect. Nobody's comments are gonna make sense anymore though ;-; I will, however, try to add the "oh shit mother, I just shat" line in the next chapter. Don't forget to comment because I love seeing them and I, of course, love responding. Also, if any of you have notifications for this book turned on, let me know if you got one about this chapter, please!

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