Nobody Owns Me

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That smile, it's had to be Y/n's, it just had to be. "Although I am genuinely pleased with what you said kitty, the problem with that statement is you said 'my' wolf. I however, BELONG TO NO ONE!" She screamed. Her razor sharp feather came flying at me and I ducked just in time and it only grazed my cheek. "Are you sure about that, cause Hawkmoth seems to have you wrapped around his little finger." At this her eyes turned from a beautiful e/c to a blood thirsty crimson. Shit. She took a deep breath like she was about to howl, I could only think of one thing to do. "Y/n, you need to calm down." She snapped her head down and her crimson red eyes went back to their e/c hue.

---Y/n's POV---
How the fuck does that brat Adrien know?!?! Damn I'm in trouble. I grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to a brick wall. "How do you know?" I said through my gritted teeth. "Your...... Smile." He coughed out. He then kicked me in the stomach and I fell back coughing. I pushed myself up with my wings almost as fast as I fell down to see him on the floor coughing. Let's think over my choices: I can A, howl, but with all the energy I have already used with flying, I would deactivate as soon as I do so, so that's out. Whelp only one choice left. Before he could even start to get up I flapped my wings and glided over to him. Then Hawkmoth just had to appear in my head. 'Get the miraculous Y/n, leave the boy.' Then I remembered what Adrien said to me. "Get out of my head you oversized butterfly, you don't own me!" Then I did something, not only incredibly stupid, but absolutely genius. I grabbed kitty and flew away like superman rescuing a damsel in distress, haha wait until Chat here's about this, he'll be so embarrassed! Just as I was doing so Ladybug jumped up onto the roof. I stuck my tongue out at her and pulled my eye down with my free hand. "Later buggy!"

A/n: Yes, this is Alois Trancy

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A/n: Yes, this is Alois Trancy. My future husband *insert extremely loud fangirl screaming here*. Anyways for those who don't know who this beautiful being is go watch Black Butler now. Unless u cant watch TVMA, but who cares about ratings? Anyways au revoir my cinnamon rolls!

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