Unraveling Plans

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A/n: Holy shit! Ok, so you know how I have an adorable goat named Bob right? The devil incarnate? So, he somehow got into the house and my grandma has finally accepted that he is a house pet now. He is currently sitting on my lap, crushing me. HELP!!!! IM TRAPPED UNDER A GOAT!!! (words I never thought I would say). On top of that, my grandma has recently discovered the alarm app, she wont stop using it. MY EARS!!!

---Cade's pov---

I really hate that Adrian kid. Honestly I hated Marinette and her parents too, hence the reason I asked Alex to kill her. If I knew it would lead to this I would never have given her the job. Dammit!

I chased after her. My water may be strong in legendary, but not nearly as strong as her wings. I know what she is going to do. In anger she can be unpredictable, unless your me. Alex burned the school. No one would die, but there would be injuries.

Using her fire as jets, she shot toward the bakery where Marinette's parents live. The glass shattered and Alex walked in through the windows. The husband and wife were cuddled together in a corner.

"YOU MONSTER!" The dad screamed.

"I'm the monster?" She said, her voice demonic.

"I am a person you know. I have feelings too! I CRIED!!!!" She screamed, tears one again staining her pale face. Hands engulfed in flames, she started to burn the place. To be honest, Alex scared me when she was like this, but I still loved her. I cant change that.

"I cant regret killing your daughter though," She states, her bang covered her eyes. "in order for us to save Paris, and stop Hawk moth, someone had to die. I knew she would be most willing." She looked up at them again, her eyes reflecting the flames that trapped them.

"But you just had to go and say I'm a monster, a heartless cruel being. You didn't think it would come without consequence, did you?" With that she shot two flames out toward them, burning them alive.

I grabbed the now exhausted girl by the waste, making sure I doused her in water, so she wouldn't burn me. I carried her back to Y/n's place, gently laying her down on the couch. Y/n ran in worried half to death and a remorseful looking Adrien followed behind.

"Their dead aren't they?" Asked Adrien. Suddenly I pinned him against the wall, my hand holding his neck. I was detransformed, but I was still strong.

"Yes, their dead and they wouldn't be if you hadn't been such and ass to Alex!" I turned my attention to Alex and Y/n. Both had tears, but only one was crying. Y/n wiped the tears off of her face, but they kept coming. The bond they share is stronger than anything I have seen. Y/n noticed Adrian on the floor, coughing and she scrambled toward him.

"Are you ok? He didn't hurt you did he? Adrien?" Worry laced in her voice as I looked at Alex, finally asleep on the sofa.

---Y/n's POV---

I looked over Adrien one more time. Stopping at his face. We stared at each other, his eyes quickly glanced to my lips. Yep, I noticed that Adrien. My face turned red and I looked away. Keep it professional Y/n.

"Umm, we should probably send that message to Hawkmoth now." Smooth Y/n, real smooth. Oh shut up inner me! Adrien nodded in agreement and I grabbed the portable hologram. I grabbed duck tape, rope, both miraculouses, and a startled Adrien. This time, he was awake though, clinging to me like his life depended on it, which it kind of did. Flying to an abandoned where house, I dragged a rickety chair in the middle of the big room. Adrien sat down and I proceeded to tie him up. I put duck tape over his mouth. Transforming, I held both of the miraculouses out and turned on the hologram.

"Good to see you again. And I see you have a..." I stepped aside, so he could see Adrien, who wasn't the chat he was expecting. I could sense the unease come off of him. He finally figured it out.

"Reunited with an old friend a few days ago. Alex, remember her? We'll we decided to capture our precious Chat Noir. Looks like he is your son, Gabriel Agreste. This I knew would shock Adrien, he never knew, and I never told him. I held out my hand showing the two miraculouses.

"YOU DARE DEFY ME!" He shouted.

"Meet us, here. In one month. If you beat me and my friends, you can have Adrien and the miraculouses. If you loose, I want all the miraculouses back. Fail to meet these terms, and you immediately forfeit." I turned off the hologram, not giving him a chance to negotiate or answer. Tactics my friends, tactics. I turned to Adrien.

"We have a plan to form."

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