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A/n: Wow, I feel like a really shitty person. I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR NOT UPDATING! The worst part is I have no excuse aside from the fact that I'm a lazy potato. Ok, I will attempt to make a long chapter, but if I fail, I owe you guys. Don't know how I owe you, but I do. Ok, lets get going.

---Y/n person POV---
I growled at the man, I still had pinned. During the fight with my inner self, my grip had turned to iron, and even Hawkmoth was left totally defenseless.

"How could you stab your own son!" I shouted at him, now just wanting answers.

"Same reason you killed Chloe." He spat his own putrid blood at me. The red liquid spraying on my face and then ground. I kneed him in the gut, making even more of the foul smelling liquid come out of his mouth.

"Rot in hell." I said, breathing heavily. It was like one of those movie scenes where the good guy just took down the bad guy in the final battle and I needed a catch phrase. At the moment that was the best it was going to get.

Suddenly sirens where heard in the distance and I new they were coming to us. I could see the headlines on tomorrows news already. I scrambled to grab my knocked out friends and get them to safety.

Later that day, we were all sitting around the living room, each of us with injuries both serious and minor. Alex, was of course in the corner sulking that she was taken out by an old man, and of course Cade was just laughing at her.

I on the other hand, was more worried about tending to Adrien. The sight of him being stabbed replayed over and over in my head. He was still out of it, but he could feel every drop of rubbing alcohol I used, and I hated myself for it. I was causing him pain. Even if I was only trying to help.

I turned around to go get water, when suddenly a cold hand reached out and grasped my wrist. I looked back to find Adrien, eyes open, holding my hand and asking me not to leave. I nodded, quietly and sat down next to him. He mustered up enough strength to move his head to my lap. I sat the stunned, but slowly relaxed, and pushed his hair out of his face.

"You know at some point we have to return all of those other miraculous holder's micaculouses right?" He said, his once smooth voice raspy and worn. Once again I nodded. Honestly after everything that happened I was still too shocked to say anything.

At some point during this one sided conversation Cade and Alex had left. Leaving me and Adrien, alone with the silence. Wow that sounded dismal.

I replaced the cloth on his forehead with a cooler one, and flipped between channels on the TV.

"I'm serious Y/n, you have to return them." Adrien said, making a weak gesture towards my room, where the safe holding all of the magical artifacts was held.

"I know Adrien, now please save your strength, you were stabbed." I gave him a stern look fitting with my tone of voice

"And after I was stabbed, I stayed awake long enough to see you kick my fathers butt." The blonde male smirked up at me. I simply rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him in reply.

"Shut up you stupid cat." I smiled and leaned down, gently kissing his forehead before leaning back on the sofa and flipping through the channels once again.

A/n: Ok that's enough for today, my hands hurt and I ended on a good note. Suck it up and deal with it. Anyways love you my cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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