The Not So Helpful Helper

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Really quick A/n: I'm gonna add myself into the story cause I'm selfish, I know. Also I wanna scare the shit out of kitty cat

---Y/n's POV--

I can tell that Plagg is worried, its fun to play with the little black kwamii. Especially since he is acting so out of character. I smirk as a plan forms in my beautiful brain. "Alright, so it is time to talk business. Obviously, we cant have people knowing your Chat Noir, for now at least. So until then I am going to 'cancel' school for a while." Adrien seemed to understand this and nodded, his blond hair falling over his beautiful... wait... what the fuck? No, bad Y/n! Wolves don't like cats, they CAN'T. Yet I also can't stop the small blush forming on my cheeks. Thank the dear sweet lord that none of them seemed to notice my now pink dusted cheeks. "I also, as your captor am forbidden to let you leave." I feign sorrow with a hand delicately laid over my s/c forehead. "On top of all these minuscule details, I am going to have a friend come help with your... security." At this, Adrien's head snaps up. Plagg, on the other hand seems completely unphased by my comment, as is expected. "Of course I still need to call that friend, so its kinda a work in progress."

After, I showed Adrien and Plagg to their 'cell' (which was more like a room with no windows and can only be locked and unlocked from the outside) the bathroom wasn't a problem, since it was connected to his room. This whole thing was of course something that the Hawk thought necessary. I took out my special katana that stayed with me, even after I de-transformed. Sliding half of the handle up I called, Alex hoping she would pick up. She was probably off killing a bunch of akumatized and miraculous holders. She was one hell of a character might I add. Personality a lot like mine, but her morals were mess up. She didn't believe in the word capture, her method required serious injury (to the other person), serious manipulation, or in cases like I mentioned earlier... killing. Her story is like kinda like mine. Met Foo, became a miraculous holder. Was my partner for a while. Met Hawky waaaay before me, and he turned her. Of course when I tried to save her sorry ass, I got switched over myself. God I talk like he is with the sith or something. "Come on Alex, pick the freaking hell up!" Of course she picks up just as I'm saying that. "Whoa, watch your language."

"Wow, your one to talk." I laughed lightly

"Were not the fucking Avengers Y/n, get over yourself. Now what can I help you with, and make it good, cause I'm kinda in the middle of fighting someone here and I think I'm making him feel bad since he cant even land a punch when I am distracted."

"Well, stop teasing the poor guy and hurry up. I got business to talk about." There worry a series of girly screams from the other end, that could only belong to a male, a few. 'My eyes are up here perv!'s and a sickening crack as I realized the feared assassin had taken another contract. She only broke bones as a marking.

"Ok, two questions. One, what kinda job? And two, when am I getting payed and how much?" I roll my eyes and her demanding questions and tell her to get her sorry ass over here.

In no less than five minutes there is the sound of an opening window. That was quick, sounded like she was in Germany. Suddenly a girl in a suit similar to my wolf suit walked into the room. Blood red wings dragging behind her. Her top was a black and she had a blood red jacket. Black finger-less leather gloves adorned her hand. Her crimson leggings with knee high black boots made a clicking sound against my wood floors.

"Alex, do you EVER use a door?" I asked, turning the channel on the T.V.

"Whats the fun in that?" she asked, whilst a black aura seemed to melt her clothes into a pair of black jeans and a grey muscle shirt that was slightly cropped with DKNY written across it. Her brown hair was in a messy bun, with the bright red streaks showing proudly. Her black converse rested on the arm of my chair whilst she leaned back. Her cat tail and ears poking out behind her JAFO hat, that was turned backwards (Oh the references). Yes, my best friend is a neko. She is like Chat Noir, except more realistic, and more scary. Give anyone that hasn't responded to torture, five seconds in a room with Alex and they will be talking like their on truth syrum. Kinda funny actually, but now its time to get down to business.

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