Six AM

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"Look, it wasn't my fault they ran away." Y/n pleaded with the holograph of a masked man. She wasn't sure what she was pleading for, but she was.

"Well, now you're on the news.  Not only that but they think you're a hero like Ladybug too. I suggest you use this to your advantage." Y/n could only nod her head at his words. To say she was terrified of him would be an understatement. And he knew it. "School starts at eight-thirty, but you should be there by eight to get your schedule and to be shown around." With that, the hologram disappeared back into the device and it shut off.

 Y/n groaned and slammed her head against the table.

"He's gonna kill me, Wolf. I'm going to die." She said, her voice muffled against the hard wood of the table.

"He's not going to kill you. You're the only person that can fight ladybug and win. If you don't have an Akuma, Ladybug is useless against you. And Chat Noir isn't used to being the big hero on campus. He won't know what to do." Y/n turned her head to look up at her blue-eyed kwami with a pout. "You have the upper hand here, along with the element of surprise." The creature smiled at her with almost a devilish grin.

"I was looking up the students that go to the school, and I was thinking,"  She sat up and bit her bottom lip, deep in thought. "What if Ladybug and Chat Noir go to the same school? They act and look around the same age as I do. I don't think they could be any older." Alex got up and ran towards the stairs, her muffled voice shouting as she rummaged around somewhere in the upper level. 

"Plus, if you look at their activity, they seem to be located around the general area of the school district." Her h/c head popped out from around the corner of the stairs as she ran down them. "See?" She threw a red paper folder onto the table and Wolf opened it, glancing at the documents.

Spreading out the papers, it showed the same maps of Paris, but each had very different markings on them. One had both red and green dots sprinkled around the paper, but they were centered in one area. A blue tab was stuck in the center of the mass of dots that read "Dupont High School District" At the top of the page read "Ladybug and Chat Noir sitings.

"You've done your research." Wolf hummed as he began to look over the other maps. All meticulously color-coded and each showing different events. "And I agree, it is very possible that Ladybug and Chat Noir could be related to this school." A huge smile spread across the girl's face at the praise. "However," Her smile began to falter. "I wouldn't go jumping to conclusions just yet. And I definitely wouldn't go after them the first time you figure it out. Remember, we have to be patient." She nodded her head solemnly. Wolf was right, they needed to wait. They needed the hero's help. They needed to get out from under Hawkmoth's thumb.

"I better head to bed, we have to be up early tomorrow."


With a groan, Y/n turned over to avoid the sun that had so rudely peaked through her blinds and straight into her eyes. Not two seconds later, her incredibly obnoxious alarm went off. Eyelids shooting open, the girl glared at the creator of the anxiety-inducing sound and slammed her hand down on it.

"WHY THE FUCK IS IT SET TO SIX?!" She screamed to Wolf, who must have snuck in and changed it from her usual wakeup time, seven. Then her eyes caught on the note that was taped to the wall just above her alarm.

"To wake you up so you have time to shower and pick out something nice. This isn't some American school, we're in France. You can't wear a hoodie and your pajama shorts to school you idiot now get the fuck up and look decent for once in your life." It read.

"OH FUCK OFF!" She screamed again. With a growl, she threw the covers off of her and sat up. "Stupid fucking kwami, telling me what to do. I'm 16, not some four year old he can push around." She rambled on about how mornings suck and her hate for actually putting effort into her appearance.

After a decently long, cool shower, she ripped a towel off the stand outside the glass door and wrapped it around her head before stepping out and pulling another off the rack to envelop her shoulders. She sprinted down the hallway back to her room before throwing the door open and quickly shutting it behind her. With a huff, she let the towel on her head fall off and reached for her brush. Ignoring the nagging voice in her head screaming about how brushing your hair while it's wet is bad for it, she reached for her brush and began to comb out the tangled locks.

She then proceeded to ignore everything she knew about hair care and let it air dry as she stared at her closet thinking of what to wear. Opening her underwear drawer, she picked out a dusted rose-colored bra and matching underwear because to her, it was one of the most satisfying things in the world when one's bra and underwear matched. Nobody gives a fuck about socks anymore. She then grabbed a pair of ripped mom jeans, a long-sleeved t-shirt, and a few chains from her vanity.

After she got changed, she tucked her shirt in and attached the chains to her jeans. She pulled her hair into a messy bun and sat down in front of her mirror, applying the small amount of makeup so that Wolf wouldn't point out her thin eyebrows or tiny eyelashes. Once she decided she looked enough like an Instagram model that Wolf would drool over and therefore deem school appropriate, she put on her locket and grabbed her school bag.


"Wooooooooow, someone looks nice." Wolf snickered as Y/n tugged on her Air Force 1s.

"I was inspired by the pleasant note you wrote me this morning." She shot him a death glare as she shoved her crew socks down to her ankles so they scrunched up.

The walk to school was relatively boring, the ground was still damp from yesterday's rain and with it being so early, nobody was walking around the streets of Paris quite yet. After a seemingly infinite 10 minute walk, Y/n stood in front of the steps to Dupont High School. Cavetown being blasted into her ears through her earbuds, anxiety raced through her heart at the thought of another first day of school.

"You'll be fiiiiiine," Wolf said as he pulled out one of Y/n's earbuds. "Just go in there, get your schedule and learn where everything is. After that, all you gotta do is go to class, shut up, and observe." He rolled his eyes as he pushed the blaring earpiece back in her ear.

With a sigh, Y/n walked up the stairs to the main entrance of the school and pushed the large double doors open.

"What the hell? Why are the lockers so tiny?" Y/n asked as she paused her music and pulled out her earbuds.

"Just go get your fucking schedule already." Wolf groaned and flicked the back of her head in an attempt to get her to keep moving. With a grumble, Y/n moved out of the locker area and across the courtyard towards the main office.

A short, red-haired lady looked up at her. Her doe eyes were hidden behind her large rimmed glasses. Her brows furrowed, not recognizing the young girl immediately before her face lit up with excitement.

"You must be the new student! Hi, I'm Ms. Coen! Please, come with me and I'll get you your schedule and give you a tour." She practically tripped over herself getting out of her chair and ran over to the copier located in the corner. She stood bouncing on her heels for a few seconds before quickly snatching the paper as it came out of the copier.

Y/n quickly skimmed over the sheet, eyes widening as she saw that the classes were incredibly long. Sure, she only had about four a day. But two hours just seemed a bit excessive. Ms. Coen began speed walking towards the door, mumbling about how exciting it was to get new students. Wolf peaked his head out from Y/n's small, leather backpack to get a look at her schedule before getting pushed back in the bag.

"Well come on dear, we only have an hour to show you everything." The lady smiled at the stunned girl as she looked towards the door.

"Oh, um, yeah. Right."

Black Cat and White Wolf [A Chat Noir X Reader Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now