Tagged.... for the 3rd time

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Sigh... Cellokitten, why?! Ok on with this again. My good friend has tagged me, so lets keep this going shall we?

1. Do you like someone?

Yes.... Jacksepticeye if you couldn't tell my from obsessive-ness.

2. Do they like you back

Yes, they just don't know it yet

3. Whats your middle name?


4. Single or taken?

I'm zucchinisexual so unless your a zucchini back off.

5. Last person you texted?

My friend Kayla (not her real name to protect her privacy)

6.Last song you listened to?

Nightcore Just Like Fire

7. Battery percentage?

Phone-100% Computer-100%

8. Best girl friend?

Kayla, Claire, and Rachel

9. Best guy friend?

ohhhh umm probably my sparring partner/weird person I always talk to Aiden (note not his real name just to protect his privacy)

10. Favorite OTP?

Me and Jacksepticeye or me and Sting. Yes, they're OTP in my mind. Fight me.

11. Why did you make this account?

Because Claire and Rachel practically forced me. Claire said she would take away my sprite!

12. Current lock screen?

Phone- Me and my family in England Computer- Tahiti

13. Birthday?

I was born in the month of Zucchini on the day of Zucchini in the year of Zucchini.

Ok, done! Now for the last part!










Ok enjoy your day guys! Oh and I got my paper account back so go follow me on that. My user is ShadowDemon and its a picture of me. I don't get notifications, so remix me after following me and tell me who you are if you have Paper53 its an awesome app!

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