Down To Business

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---Alex POV---

"So, word around town is you have a new pet kitty cat." I smirked, cleaning off my favorite ebony katana from my recent 'contract'. Y/n nodded, happy with herself. I don't get it, whats the point in taking prisoners? Capture them for like a day, take a bunch of videos of them struggling... kill them, then pretend you have them captured and demand ransom. When the person comes to give you the ransom, take it then kill them too! Simple.

"I kinda need you to cat sit while I'm out on... business." She replied. So that is what she wants... a babysitter. No way in hell.

"Listen, Wolfy, I am a fox and a hawk... natural predators to little kittens. No way in fucking hell am I babysitting one!" I shout.

"Its for a plot against Hawkmoth..." Y/n replies. Well in that case...

"Fine, how much are you paying me?"

"How about a good kick to Hawk's family jewels and torture rights..." Good case, normally prefer my payments in cash, but that works too. I nod in reply.

"Alors où est ce fameux Chat Noir?(so where is this famous Chat Noir)" I reply (yes I am fluent in French).

Y/n stands up and leads me to her spare bedroom. The metal door has like three locks on, damn.

"Adrian, if your naked now would be a really good time to put some clothes on 'cause I'm coming in, in 3... 2... 1..." At this I burst out laughing, my sharp k-nines showing and my tail swishing behind me. I looked down to see a blonde male with green eyes staring at me like I was some alien that came down to Earth.

"Holy shit! WHAT IS THAT?!" He shouted pointing at me. Then a familiar black kwamii popped his head out and covered Adrian's mouth.

"Shut up idiot!" Plagg covered his mouth. I looked at me.

"Sorry, this bone head here isn't quite caught up on assassins..." He laughed nervously.

"Its ok, Plagg. Hey I brought Kylie..." Suddenly and crimson fox kwamii flew out of my pocket.

"Hey, Plagg!" She replied. Adrian's level of confusion just kept going up, but luckily for him he kept his mouth shut. That is when I felt it; something moving in my bra...

"Wolf if you don't get out of there right now, I will feed you to my dog..." I say, my voice demonic sounding. Suddenly wolf popped out of my shirt.

"S-sorry, he squeaked." The little perv.

"Well," Y/n began. "I believe its time to get down to business." She gestured to the kwamiis

"Why don't you guys go upstairs."

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