When Andy's mom approached, however, she calmly confronted the man when she saw Woody in his arms, knowing this was a mistake. "Please, let him go." You whimpered in distress. "Leave Woody alone!"

"Just hand her the Sheriff!" Buzz stated as if he were actually talking to that man.

Andy's mom eventually grabbed Woody from him, locking him safely in the money box. "He's safe!" Buzz cheered. The other toys joined in the celebration.

"Oh, thank god!" You nearly fainted. That was too much of an emotional rollercoaster to handle.

Suddenly, a crash was heard from down at the yard sale. "What's going on?" Rex panicked. Everyone turned to see the man trying to fiddle with the money box. He then briskly walked away, revealing an open money box with no Woody inside.

"Oh no, he's stealing Woody!" Buzz stated in horror as he jumped out the window.

"Buzz!" Bo called after him.

"Oh, not again!" You groaned as you freaked out.

Buzz slid down the gutter pipe and out towards the road, chasing after the car. You watched the Space Range jump onto the trunk where the man had placed Woody. He opened it slightly, just slipping his fingers underneath it when the car hit a bump, causing Buzz to fall off the bumper and onto the road as the car drove out of sight.

"Why would someone steal Woody?" Bo was heartbroken, her voice slightly wavering.

"It's always happens." You frowned. Your best friend was gone, the one toy who truly cared the most about you. He was always there for you, and now he was just gone. "Why do these things always have to happen!?"


Andy's room was just bustling after that had happened a few hours or so ago. It was like CSI Miami up in there! A live production of NCIS right before your very eyes! There was crime scenes, lists of evidence, everything. It seemed almost every single toy had turned into either a live, full-blown cop or detective.

You were one of those toys. Ever since Buzz came back, he had been mumbling the same letters over and over as he held a giant, white feather. He had went straight to Mr. Spell, where you joined him in trying to figure out what the man's license plate had meant.

"Didn't he look....familiar?" You asked as Buzz kept typing away furiously.

"I don't know, (Y/N)." He responded. "But I've got figure this out."

You inspected the feather that sat between you and Buzz. Why would the man have these giant feathers? They seemed much bigger than any bird in the world, but that could just be because you were toy-sized.

"Uh.... Buzz?" You slowly said in alarmed worry.

"What? What is it?" He asked quickly.

You jumped off the blocks and turned around the corner, seeing the toys fighting over the crime scene that Rex had ruined. A sketch of the man holding Woody was still on Etch. "Etch!" You cried, drawing everyone's attention. Buzz hopped over and stood at your side. "Draw the man in a chicken suit!" You ordered, holding up the feather.

He did so, and you smiled as you knew you were right. "It's the chicken man!"

"That's our guy." Buzz smiled, patting you on the back. "Nice thinking!"

"I knew there was something I didn't like about that chicken." Hamm growled.

"So, what now?" Rex asked.

"Let's try to find that commercial." Buzz declared. "We need to get a good look at the map for Al's Toy Barn!" And that's exactly what you and the other toys did for the next three hours. Finally, after endless channel surfing, the commercial was found and Etch quickly copied the map in the blink of an eye. "That's where I need to go."

"You can't go, Buzz. You'll never make it there!" Rex pointed out with worry.

"Woody once risked his life to save me. I couldn't call myself his friend if I weren't willing to do the same. So who's with me?" Buzz asked as he rallied some troops. As everyone was preparing to leave, he approached you off to the side. "Are you going?"

"I'm not sure, Buzz." You replied with a frown. "It's not that I don't want to! He helped me too. I'm just worried about breaking. I feel like I'd just slow you guys down."

"It's alright." He smiled at you. "I understand. You've been through a lot and you managed to survive Sid's house. Woody wanted me to keep you safe while he was at Cowboy Camp. Even though he's not there, it's a promise I intend to keep no matter where he is anyway."

You smiled warmly at him. "Thanks, Buzz. That really means a lot."

He nodded as he walked to the window and onto the roof as he and the others, Mr Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, and Slinky, took turns getting to the ground via Slinky. "We'll be back before Andy gets home."

"Don't talk to any toy you don't know!" Mrs. Potato Head warned.

"And (Y/N)." Buzz added. "I will bring Woody back to you."

You smiled nervously. That wasn't really something that needed to be said in front of literally everyone. "Okay, Buzz."

"To Al's Toy Barn and beyond!"

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