The Capitol

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Name: Zoë

Age: 10 1/2

Hair: Long and blonde

Eyes: Hazel

Personality: Cheerful, kind of bratty

Past: Zoe is just another neglected kid with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Her mother is a movie star in the capitol and her father works with game makers. Because she is so hyper, she often gets bruises and scrapes. Her parents never seemed to notice, so she started going to extreme measures, continually trying to harm herself enough to gain their attention. When parents missed her birthday again, she threw a tantrum and then decided to pack her things and leave. Because of her disorder, she can become instantly attached to some people while instantly withdrawn from others. It really just depends on the person. She has a mental like and dislike list. Those who aren’t on the list, she feels neutral towards.

Like List:

Gracie – very attached to her and sees her as a mother.



Jack – adores him

Chase – also adores him

Dislike List:



Name: Ryn

Age: 18

Hair: blonde

Eyes: Due to a surgery, he can change his eye color, but he likes to keep his eyes a nice shade of blue because his girlfriend, RR likes them that way.

Personality: Very nice and sweet. He can get very protective though.

Past: Ryn’s mother passed away when he was a child. His father was aiding the rebels, but he was never told about that until his dad was discovered. The peacekeepers were breaking down the door when he was finally told. His father told him to pack as much as he could and take an underground tunnel to escape the city. He fled the city, but heard behind him the cries of his father being killed. A few months later, he was found in the woods by Gracie and Anna. They took him in, fed him, and Chris let him borrow some new clothes because his capitol clothes were filthy. He has tribal-looking tattoos along his shoulders and going down his left arm and back. He is very protective of RR and is close friends with Chris.

Name: Kimmi

Age: 18

Hair: short, blackish-purple hair.

Eyes: Dark blue eyes.

Personality: Somewhat bipolar. When she’s normal, she’s caring, friendly, and a little shy. During a “blackout” she’s flirty, bisexual, devilish, and a little overbearing.

Past: She is somehow related to Ryn, although even they are not sure how. Either way, they refer to each other as cousins. Their fathers were partners in the rebellion. After her dad was killed as well, her mother lost her mind, and they were forced to live on the streets. With nowhere to run, Kimmi began selling her body to the rich men and women of the Capitol to provide for herself and her family. When her mother passed away too, she took off and left with only the clothes on her back. She ran and ran for weeks on end, often blacking out. She has no idea how she ended up in the main mansion. The last thing she remembers before coming to the mansion is being chased by something or someone in the woods. When she finally found the mansion, she was begging to be let in. Ryn is very protective of her, especially when Derrick is around.

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