"To whom it may concern:

I feel that my sister, Jessica deserves a special shopping experience at Kleinfeld's because of everything she does for her family and friends first before herself. She has been the strength to our family when my mom and I have our days as we mourn the loss of our father. You see, life has not been easy for her she lost her parents at age 10 and 14 and was raised by her Godparents, my parents Fred and Mary from the time she was born and took our last name when she was 17. Recently on the day our father passed away, Jess had learned the bridal gown she just found and paid the week before has been damaged and since Dad passed, she hasn't shopped since. She said I can replace a gown, but you can't replace a dad.

It would be amazing for my sister to come and shop since she loves the show Say Yes to the Dress! As her brother, to see her win this? It would be an amazing birthday gift and wish come true.

Archie Andrews."

Jess teared up as she hugged him the letter was beautifully written.

"Oh Archie!"

Archie cried.

"Seeing you in your gown you look amazing."

Veronica hugged Jess.

"I have known about it for months."

So the ceremony started and Jughead was excited to see Jess. Annabelle walked down as flowergirl then all of the bridesmaids.The door opens and Jess walked down the aisle with John, Marie and Archie as Jughead was speechless seeing Jess he teared up. As they walked her down, Jess felt her parents and Fred's spirit as if they were all giving their angel away.

The Minister asked.

"Who take this woman to be with this man?"

John said.

"Her grandmother, brother, mother, father as well as those who are in Heaven and I."

They all welcome Jughead into the family with a hug.

Jughead spoke his vows.

"First of all, Jess you look stunning."

Jess smiled.

"Thank you."

He continues.

"Everyday I thank God for you. You have been the strength in my life from day one and keep me out of the darkness. As you hear the vows "for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health." We did it all and overcome so much together. Baby as your husband, I promise to be there for you til death do us part. I love you."

Jess said.

"From the moment I met you, you have opened up your shell and heart to me. You truly make me feel safe and protected. I love you and I feel so blessed that you are my best friend and my true love. I can't wait for you to be my husband and I will be the role of your wife."

Jughead teared up. Jellybean, Gladys teared up as well as FP.

The minister gave them the rings and the two exchanges.

The minister said.

"Having pledged their fidelity to one another, to love, honor and cherish one another in the presence of this gathering and by the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of this state, it is my honor to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

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