Karma 25

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I was worried over nothing. I thought jisoo will avoid me like plague after what happened between us but she's still the same. Although, it feels like she's way tooo the same like nothing happened between us but at least she stops talking about yoongi. That, I observed. Speaking of...

Meet me later at the court. I sighed and puffed an air out of my mouth. Classic yoongi. He's the one who wants to see me yet I'm the one he wants to go to meet him. I haven't told anyone about what yoongi's doing. Even lisa and chaeng. Lisa will probably march up to yoongi and beat the crap out of him but I don't want that happening. I have a plan that needs to work.

My plan is simple. If yoongi is gonna do what I think he's gonna do, I need to make jisoo break up with him cause he doesn't deserve to be the one to break up with her. Who does he think he is? Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. If I'm correct, he wants me back. Like hell I would! And he had the audacity to approach me while he's still with jisoo.

What is up with him? Why can't he break up with the girl he's in a relationship with first, before wooing another girl. The nerve of that guy! What does he think we are? A backup? If it doesn't go well with his courting he'll continue to play with the other and if it goes through, break up with the current? Guys like that are the worst! Why do they even do that? Afraid to be alone? Geez! I'm just glad he didn't give any excuses shit like I love her but I love you too so I can't let you go crap or was he if I hadn't caught him?

"Jennie." Taehyung grunted and I raised a brow at him

"You're breaking my arm." I gasped and let go of him. I hadn't realize I was twisting his arm. Poor boy.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorryyy!" He winced and nodded.

"Are you ok? Does it hurt?" He chuckled and said it's alright.

"But really, what's going on with your head that you're having such a murderous intent." I chuckled and apologized again. Taehyung and I have bacame quite close since we get paired up with the club activities. I swear if I get to choose a play, I'd make sure there's a lesbian scene and I'll get to be paired up with jisoo.

"I was just thinking how a guy could do such a thing..." I told him the situation but of course I didn't tell who's who.

"Seriously? Where'd you meet such a scumbag?" He scowled.

"I didn't say it was me." I said rather too quickly and he rolled his eyes

"Oh right I forgot, it's the girl1 girl2 thing." I laughed

"But I'm really gonna dump you somewhere deserted if you take that guy back in to your life.."

"I just told you it's not me!" He raised a brow

"I didn't say it was you either. I wasn't finished. I meant to say you tell the girl1 or 2 that. None of them deserve that dipshit. Karma will handle him." I smirked.

"Oh look, your girlfriend's picking you up." His eyes lit up and looked back. His girlfriend waved and he excitedly waved back.

"Send my regards to ruby jane~" he hugged me good bye and jogged up to her. I'm happy he wasn't stubborn and stopped pursuing me. I looked at the time and sighed. It's time to face the jerk. I searched for jisoo and found her in the hallway, looking out the railing.

I silently watched her and frowned. She seems to spacing out a lot lately. I'll ask her about it later when I'm home. I calmed my self and put a hand on her waist. "I need to attend to something, will you be going home alone?" I cocked my head to the side as she stared at me. I wonder what's going through her head?

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She smiled and I slowly nodded, hesitantly walking away from here. I looked back to see her taking out her phone. Right, yoongi. I hurried down to the stairs so I can finish soon and so I can talk to jisoo sooner. I arrived at the court to see him still playing with some of his friends.

"Long time no see jennie. Break up did good to you I see." I rolled my eyes and removed namjoon's arm around my shoulder

"Move it joon. I'm not in the mood." I didn't like his friends. They tolerate his wrong doings but then again, they are also the ones who instigates it. They tease him with girls knowing we're still together. Joking about why not letting me go and just get a new girl.

"I always liked that fierceness in you." He smirked

"And I have never liked you." That wiped the smug look on his face.

"You're here." Yoongi jogged up to us, smiling and it took every will power of mine not to punch his face.

"Dude, you already discarded this, you sure you want a trash back?" I must've hit namjoon's ego. Yoongi glared at him.

"Why there's no surprise there. A diamond will still be a diamond even in a trash can. Even you wants to have it." I raised my chin when he inched near me but yoongi pushed his chest.

"Let go dude. I'll catch up." Namjoon glared and walked off with their friends leaving us alone.

"Stop beating around the bush yoongi." I became tired of his speech about his realization and whatnot.

"I want you back." I scoffed

"Are you hearing yourself?!" Calm down jennie.

"I know I fucked up big time! But I promise I won't do it again! Just come back to me." I wanted to laugh so I looked the other way, making me freeze.

"Jisoo!" Yoongi was about to look back when I held his hand, stopping him. I anxiously need to finish this so I can catch up to jisoo.

"What about her?" I gritted my teeth.

"I'll break up with her." I let go of his hand and crossed my arms

"Ask me again after you break up with her. I need to go." I bumped into his shoulders and ran.

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