Karma 11

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"Let's go?" She smiled and clings her arms to mine, making my heart skip a beat.

"Just warning you, my housemates could really be unpredictable..." I just hope they will actually take my words earlier seriously. Knowing lisa, we might see them in a heated moment when we come in. She just loves to do opposite what you say to her.

"I told you it's ok. I can't wait to meet them. They seem fun." She actually skipped on her steps, dragging me with her.

"Should I hum for you?" She laughed. I smiled. She seem so happy.

"Your mood turned to a whole 360." I commented and she just shrugged, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm just happy to be moving. Having no curfew and all." She's still thinking about yoongi.

"Aaand I'm happy we'll be roomies!" I grinned. I'm happy too. Operation: Seduce begins.

"Any more rules I should know?" We're already in the building.

"Aside from having no boys allowed, that's just it." she nodded.

"Here we are. Ready?" She clutched my hands tightly and nodded vigorously.

"Let me just take a peek. Just in case." I didn't wanna culture shock her. I knocked to let them know we're here but that doesn't really stop them. I peeked inside to the find the main area empty. Huh.

I opened the door widely and let jisoo in. "Welcome to our humble abode." I open my arms wide and shake my hands for effect. She laughed and roamed her eyes.

"It's cozy, and more spacious than I thought." I lead her to the living room.

"There's the kitchen, you can find the sink in that small pathway. The door next to the kitchen is the common washroom but each rooms have one each." She nodded and eyed the rooms.

"Left side is rosé and lisa's room. The right on is ours." I lead her the way and opened my bedroom door only to be greeted with a confetti.

"Welcome hooooomeee!" Lisa screamed and seulgi blew a horn? Where did they get that?

"Omo." Jisoo chuckled and was really surprised. I was too. They did my room a whole make over.

"I only have one bed for now though." I forgot we didn't have a spare.

"It's alright. Your bed's Queen sized. We can share." I froze and she blushed.

"I-i mean if it's alright with you." She giggled nervously.

"What? No? I mean yes. I mean it's ok if I share it with you." I discreetly glared at my friends who are making inappropriate gestures at the back.

"Cool." She clapped her hands and jumped a bit. So cute!

"Oh, sorry, that was rude of me... jisoo, this is lisa and rosé. Our Housemates." They both hugged jisoo.

"And this is seulgi and Irene, our close friends." She nodded and hugged them too

"Chaeyoung and I actually have some subjects together." Oh, right.

"I see. That's nice!" Chaeyoung asked me to help her with the drinks but I was hesitant to leave jisoo alone with the other three.

"It's ok. They're so much fun!" Lisa then lead jisoo to my bed and chaeyoung dragged me out.

"Should I really leave her with them? You know how those three can be.." I worriedly glanced on my room.

"Let them be. Who knows? She'll be gay once we're back." Chaeng laughed.

"Or she might run out crying. Scarred for life." Chaeyoung nudged my shoulder.

"Don't be so pessimistic. Why don't we hurry so you can stop worrying?" Point taken I hurriedly grabbed the sandwich tray it also has some fries and chips on the side while chaeng grabbed the drinks.

I balanced the tray on one hand to open my bedroom door and hold it for chaeng. Thankfully, jisoo is animatedly talking to my girls. No signs of trauma.

"You didn't tell me you have such cool friends!" I smiled at jisoo and offered her food which she gladly took.

"Don't worry, we're your friends now too." Irene grinned.

"Can I move in tomorrow? I can't wait another week."

"Psh. You can move in now." Seulgi joked but she took it seriously.

"Really?! Can you help me with my things?" She stood up excitedly

"Someone's excited." Jisoo laughed

"I am! I've never had girl friends. Some girls annoy me and I grew up with boys but you guys are nice and chill."

"You grew up with boys?" I didn't know that.

"Well not literally but on our neighborhood when I was a child, the kids my age that I usually play with are boys. Probably why I'm more fond of sports that are mainly for boys like basketball." She shrugged.

"Interesting..." there's a glint in lisa's eyes which screams trouble so before her gayness jumps out I quickly grabbed jisoo's hand and offered to help her pack her things.

"Wait, do you guys want to have a sleepover?" They immediately agreed and I could tell we'll have a long night. I think jisoo's overwhelmed by having them as her girl friends, forgetting the fact that they're not really girrlll girls, and she's surrounded by couples.

"Are you sure about this? You're not overwhelmed or something?" She laughed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Chill out will you? Your friends are nice. What are you so worried about?" I sighed.

"Nothing really. I was just surprised. That's all." It all happened so fast. I didn't think it was that easy to convince her to room with me.

"I just like to remind you. You might be the only straight person in that room later." She snickered

"Should I be scared or something?" We hailed a cab and got in.

"Aren't you?" She raised a brow at me.

"Why? Are guys some kind of cannibal or something?" I can eat you... if you know what I mean.

"You invited them for a sleepover. You don't wanna be in their games." When I was still with yoongi, I played with chaeng and lisa one night and that was the last time I played with them.

✔ Karma is ME!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن