Karma 16

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"You ok now?" I nodded, wheezing.

"Shut up!" I groaned at lisa. They've already changed clothes.

"But seriously jisoo, you're not bluffing are you? Kiss kiss, liplocking and not my mama kissed my cheeks kiss." Irene sat beside jisoo, inquiring more.

"I was curious, and I'm a competitive person. It was one time when I got drank at a party before going to college and we played truth or dare. As much as I love eating chicken, I have not become a chicken myself." She shrugged.

"So you kissed a girl for a dare?" She nodded.

"How about now? What if we dare you?" She tilted her head and thought about it and I'm also anticipating for her answer.

"Mayyybeee not. I have a boyfriend, it'll feel like cheating."

"But if you don't have a boyfriend?" Jisoo leaned back as four of them crowded her with hopeful expressions.

"I haven't realllyyy thought about it? But maybe not really? I'm over that phase and I'm not curious about it anymore since I've already tried it." All four deflated, even I slouched with her answer.

"D-did I say something wrong?" She squeaked.

"Nah. We're just drama queens. Anyway, we'll get going. See you soon?" She nodded. Irene and Seulgi kissed her cheeks goodbye.

"Can I take a bath first?" She turned to me and I blinked.

"Uh yeah. Sure." She said thanks and scurried to the room.

"What do you think?" Chaeyoung giggled and lisa smirked to me.

"Operation: Seduce a Straight Commence." My lips is set on a straight line and I nodded.

I went in our room and I can hear the water running from the bathroom. I paced around, thinking how I should do it. Should I be taking off my shirt as soon as she comes out? Or should I already be naked by then? I chewed on my bottom lips as I think.

I was deep in thought that when the water stopped and the door clicked open I immediately went on my knees and bent over, as if looking for something below my bed, with my shirt sliding up in the middle of my back. I made sure my bum is on her direction.

"Whate are you looking for?" I found something glittering below so I grabbed it, and raised it to her

"This!" She cocked a brow and my jaw dropped seeing it's a condom

"It was my ex's so I thought I should give it... back to him.." she laughed and picked it up for me

"Ooh. Same brand my boyfriend uses. Same size too." For some reason we looked at each other after she mentioned size and laughed out loud

"And this is why I won't tell you his name! I have a feeling it'll be chaotic once you meet." She laughed but I just forced a smile. Oh it will be alright and I need you to chose me.

"I'll keep this instead. They say it's lucky to have one on your wallet." She tossed the condom on the drawer and took off her towel. In front of me. She bent down a bit to wrap the towel on her head and sauntered to her things. My eyes glued to her.

"What did you do to your ex by the way?" She turned to me as she wore her underwear.

"Jendeukie?" I closed my mouth so I won't drool.

"Oh uh... I slapped him. In front of his friends." She cocked a brow and straightened out, putting a hand on her hips. And I just want to have her breast in my mouth. I gulped.

"That's it? Seriously? After what he did? I never pegged you for a softie." She put on a bra and I stood up

"I just don't like holding a grudge." I shrugged.

"I would've hit him where the sun don't shine." I chuckled.

"Maybe I get to do that someday." I grabbed a towel but dropped it on the bed.

"Bring me when you do. I'll be your back up!" Hopefully.

"If you're up for iittt..." I took off my shirt in front of her, all the while staring at her as she buttoned her pants.

"And besides, I'm kind of thankful for him." She scoffed but her eyes went to my nakedness as I took of my under garments.

"How so?" She whispered as I went near her. Still butt naked. She sat down the stool as I neared. She leaned backwards to the vanity mirror dresser as I leaned forward. My hair fell on one side of my face and our face inches apart.

"He made me realize who I really am." I whispered back then straightened up before I scare her away by kissing her senseless.

"Shampoo." I raised the shampoo sachet in my hand and walked towards my bed to get my towel.

"Right... I knew that." She smiled and looked away, the pink on her cheeks didn't escape my eyes. I turned to the bathroom and when I got in, I danced in victory. I played Jeon Somi's Birthday as I took a bath and sang along to the song, I did a mini concert.

About an hour after I went out to get a shock of my life.

"Yah!" Lisa and chaeng jumped away from each other panting their clothes wrinkled

"Sorry. We were waiting for you and you took so long! So we just kissed abit and then one thing led to another.."

"I was about to cum!" Chaeng whined.

"Well I'm sorry I interrupted your climax, you could've done it in you room. What if you stained my sheets?" I walked out and dried myself.

"Where's jichu?" I asked, putting on my underwear

"Her boyfriend picked her up." Of course he did.

"You think yoongi knows she stays with us?" I shook my head.

"I doubt it. He might felt relieved for the no boys allowed rule though, afraid they'll bump into me if he visits her without knowing she's actually staying with me." Lisa nodded

"When will you tell her?" I sighed

"I told you. I need to make sure she won't despise me when she finds out."

"I'm really worried for you. No matter how you turn it around, she'll think you're playing her." Lisa kept on kissing chaeyoung's neck as she said that

"Lisa, don't you dare, and that is why I need to show her that it's not like that. The perfect setting." Eventhough I said, there's really no perfect timing to say hey, your boyfriend is my douchebag of an ex.

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