Karma 17

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I paced back and forth as I bit my nails. I continued looking over to the door but lisa and chaeng still hasn't come home yet and I'm a nervous wreck. Tonight's the first night we'll sleep in the room alone together and I don't know what to do.

"Chill jennie, it's just the first night. You should let her feel relaxed." I whispered to myself. My head whipped to the door when it opened and found an exhausted jisoo.

"You ok?" I frowned.

"Yeah. Just tired." She lazily dragged herself in the sofa and dropped her body backwards to it.

"I'll get you water." I scurried off and got her some water.

"Here." She sat up and said thanks, accepting it.

"Why are you so tired?" She sat up straight so I can sit next to her and put the glass on the table.

"The move we made earlier is catching up to me I guess. I shouldn't have skipped jogging. Now my body's killing me." She stretch and twisted her body to the side, hearing a satisfying crack. She sighed and leaned back.

"Do you know a masseuse that offers home service?" I know someone who offers a different service.. I gasped silently when an idea came to me.

"I don't. But I can massage you if you want."

"Really? Weren't you tired earlier?" I helped her move her remaining things from her apartment.

"Nah, I've rested quite awhile since I only had few classes today." She nodded and smiled.

"Are you sure?" I nodded, rather excitedly. She clapped and jumped up.

"I'll just take a shower and we're good to go."

"Sure. Do you wanna use oil or.."

"Lotion. I can't stand the feeling of oil on my body." I nodded and she proceeded to our room.

"Asssaaaa!" I cheered and did a mini dance when her head popped out from our room. I quickly pretended to stretch and pick up her glass.

"I forgot to say thank you." She giggled.

"I haven't done it yet, you might be disappointed." She shook her head.

"I'm sure you're good at it, you enthusiastically volunteered like you wanted to show off." She teased

"Oh my, you caught on that?" She laughed.

"You can say thank you afterwards." I say meaningly. Maybe a kiss will suffice.

"I'm just thanking you ahead cause I feel like I'm gonna snooze once you're done." I laughed and understood what she said.

"I'll make sure to satisfy you that you'll be snoring."

"I look forward to it." She went back in and I sighed in relief she didn't catch me dancing. I quickly washed her used glass and and went to our room, waiting for her to come out. She got out after thirty minutes and I sat down from lying down

"Do you want to eat first?" I tilted my head.

"Nah. I'm full. Yoo–my boyfriend and I ate early dinner." She chuckled. My heart pounded when she almost slipped his name up.

"I'll just go take a quick shower too." I grabbed my towel and went in. I already changed clothes inside so I was already clothed as I came out while her on the other hand was topless and only on her underwear, lying on her stomach, her shirt folded neatly above her head with the lotion. I gulped.

"Do you wanna eat first jendeuk?"

"No. I'm full." I squeaked. I sat by her side and she quickly turned off her phone and hid it then relaxed.

"You want to start with your back?" She nodded.

"Yes please." She said cutely, making me chuckle. I grabbed the lotion and positioned myself, making a mental note not to stare on her butt.

I squirted some lotion on my palms and put spread it on her back. I started putting pressure on her nape using my thumb, sliding it down in circular motion to her shoulder blades. She moaned and I'm glad she can't see the goosebumps that spread throughout my body. I used my weight to press on her shoulder blades, going down to her hips.

"Jendeuk." She moaned my name.

"You're so good!" Holyyybehsvgeuev! Heat creeped up to my cheeks. It's getting hot in here damn it.

"Can you press more on my hips?" I did as she requested.

"Lower." She grunted

"There." She moaned again while I pressed just right above her butt. I massaged her back some more and then proceeded to her legs. She parted her legs a bit so I can access it from the top. I bit my lips as I put lotion on her. She giggled and kicked my hands away as I massaged her feet.

"Yah!" I laughed.

"It tickles! Just don't do the sole." I giggled and teased her and she squirmed.

"Jennieee~" she whined, making me laugh harder.

"Ok, ok." I did the same to her other leg and she put on her shirt before laying on her back, much to my disappointment. I smiled as she sighed in content and then I sucked in a deep breath, remembering I have to massage her front legs too.

While she's relaxed and going into slumber with my massage, I, on the other hand, can't help but mentally groan as my hand almost brush up against her clothed mound.

Why am I being seduced? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

If I were a guy, I would have a full hard on right now and would most probably need a cold shower. But girls have hard ons too. Nipple hard ons. After the torturous massage on her front legs, I proceeded to her arms and hands. I chuckled as I hear her light snore as I was finishing up. I put the lotion on top of the dresser and went in to the shower.

Guys aren't the only ones who can masturbate. I need to let out too. I have to muffle my moans though, I might wake her up because of the echoes.

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