Karma 1

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⚠️ Rated Chapter 🔞


"Uuughhh yoongi~" I moaned and dig my nails on his back, not caring if it leaves a mark. He rammed his hard cock in me and I screamed in ecstacy as it hit the spot.

"Faster." My legs wrapped around his waist tightly to burry him deeper. I panted and reached out to his nape, claiming his lips as he thrusts faster. I wanted to be on top but he wouldn't let me.

"I'm c-cumming." My eyes rolled heavenwards as I felt my body shake with pleasure. He thrusted faster and faster and I felt him burst within me. Warm liquid filled my womb and I moaned from pleasure as he slumped down to me, panting.

"That was great" I chuckled and he kissed my nose. He pulled out and started cleaning up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, propping up my elbow as a support for my upper torso.

"I need to go babe, coach will kill me if I don't show up again." I chuckled and laid back down as I watched him get dressed.

"See you later?" I smiled and nodded. He kissed my forehead and left in a hurry. I stretched and heaved a sigh. My body still feels high from the exercise we did. I got up and fished out one of yoongi's shirt when I saw his basketball uniform.

"That idiot, he'll get scolded either way." I shook my head and giggled. I took his uniform and got changed. I decided to drop by our apartment complex first before I go to school.

"Jesus!" I immediately looked away when I went in and found my housemates having sex on the couch.

"Sorry jennie." Chaeyoung giggled.

"We're fully clothed now." Lisa assured me, laughing.

"Can you atleast lock the door." I rolled my eyes at the couple.

"We were caught in the moment. You can't really think if you locked the door when you're in it." I groaned and lisa hugged chaeyoung from the back

"Touché." I mumbled.

"Where's your sugababe?" She cocked a brow. She never liked him. But she doesn't really like guys. Literally.

"In the gym. His coach will kill him if he won't show up again." I tossed my things on my bedroom and drank water

"Again?" Chaeyoung chimed

"Yeah. They've been practicing for regionals aren't they?"

"Yeah, but today's their first meeting." My brows connected.

"No, they started meeting 2 weeks ago." Chaeyoung looked at lisa worriedly.

"Jennie, I'm a cheerleader for the basketball team. They meet, we meet. No exceptions." So yoongi's lying to me?

"But why would he lie to me?" Chaeyoung nudged lisa

"Now is the time to tell her" My brows furrowed even more.

"Tell me what?" Lisa sighed and stood up

"I caught him with an upper classman. She's new and really pretty... not that pretty." She changed when chaeyoung glared at her

"Anyway. I thought nothing of it but I've been constantly seeing him visiting their wing. So I asked chaeyoung here to investigate." Chaeyoung nodded

"She is indeed pretty." She glared at lisa who gave her a peace sign

"And she's kind too. I was casually asking who the guy that keeps visiting her is even though I know yoongi. She said he's courting her and he seemed sweet. I believe she's taken a liking to yoongi." Chaeyoung bit her lips.

"Babe stop biting your lips, it's tempting." Lisa whispered and chaeyoung giggled, leaning in.

"Hello! Best friend here! Slash housemate! That is mostly getting cheated on! Five-year relationship going to waste!!" I yelled and they jumped away from each other, clearing their throats. I calmed myself and pivoted

"Where are you going?!" Chaeyoung called out

"To confirm something!" I slammed the door shut and ran to the school. The apartment we live in is only five minutes away. I felt my heart hammering to my chest as I clutched on yoongi's uniform. I sneaked in to the school gymnasium and there he is with his friends. At least he didn't lie about being here. I slowly made my way towards them. They were too busy talking that they didn't notice me.

"Dude! I heard the beauty from the Business department finally said yes to you." Jimin patted yoongi's back who smiled brightly.

"But wait, aren't you with jennie kim?" Namjoon asked and he shrugged. My fist clenched tighter as I wait for him to say something

"Guys. Jennie is... that girl. You know? The kind of girl you fancy to bed. And jisoo, ah, kim jisoo. She's a girl you wanna marry." They laughed at his love-stricken face. I felt sick that they seem to tolerate his behavior.

"Well fuck you!" I roared and they all look startled. I marched to them and threw yoongi's uniform on his face

"We are over! And of course I'm a girl you'd want to bed cause you know what? You suck in bed that I have to fake orgasm just to make you feel pleased!" His jaw clenched

"Ha! I don't remember that when you moaned earlier." His friends hooted. Disgusting animals!

"Of course I have to exert full effort to satisfy myself cause you clearly can't do that for me! I had to push you in deeper cause you can't reach my spot with your tiny ass dick! Even fingers would satisfy me better!" I held my chin high and walked away, hearing him stopping his friends from teasing him from being roasted.

I knocked on the door in case lisa and chaeyoung are at it again. Lisa opened the door and my tears just flowed

"Oh, come here." I walked into her arms and she closed the door while I sobbed to her chest.

"H-he said h-he only had me for his g-guilty pleasure." I sobbed. I can't believe that I was fooled for five years. Five fucking long years! I thought we would be forever. We were high school sweethearts!

"Let it all out hun and we can plan his death when you calm down." Chaeyoung rubbed my back and got me some water while I cried my hearts out 'til there's nothing left to cry.

✔ Karma is ME!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora