31 Are you thinking what I am thinking?

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'It was Richard' he had said with a mournful expression.


It took me a moment to piece together the faced of the man along with the name, but when it did I remembered that he was the man I had tasked not long ago to bring me a piece of apple pie for Steve.

Poor man. I hadn't known him that long, nor had I conversed much with him, which made sense in the devoid feeling I had for him, it just struck a nerve in me.

I had figured out that something was wrong the moment Lynette had suggested that I was not to see the thing on the table. Now I knew why.

First, it was Lola who died a horrible death at the hands of that man. Was it because the Colonel figured out a connection between her and me or was it just for his entertainment? I didn't think I was going to figure it out anytime soon.

Now, this? How many more people would suffer before that man had his fill of death?

'Come here.' Gerard opened his arms and I buried myself in his embrace feeling tears sting my eyes and my soul aching.

'I need this to stop.' I mumbled feeling my guts charge.

He caressed my hair and pressed a light kiss in the crown of my head.

'I will not stop hugging you woman.' His attempt to lighten my mood was touching. It almost made a smirk tug my lips but the tug in my heart was a lot stronger.

'I meant him coming after me like this. Too many bodies have piled up behind me, Gerard. And more will be added in the heap. I need this to end. Either I die now or I go insane.'

'Don't say that.' he whispered tightening his hold around me. I took a deep stabilizing breath and tried really hard to focus.

'I can't do this anymore! We need to do something! I exclaimed and pinned my gaze to him. I needed him to understand that I wanted to fight back more than life itself. I needed him to know that I trusted him and that he was the person I wanted by my side in this endeavour.

'I need you to trust me, Gerard, as much as I trust you now.'

He cupped my cheeks and brushed his lips against mine, sending shivers down my body. A little smirk etched ever so slightly on his lips. The sweetness of the moment took me by surprise.

'And you need to keep your head in the game. Just like a game of chess. They made their move and now it's our turn.'

I snorted and shook my head in disbelief.

'I don't play chess, Gerard. But I know if we sit here and let them come after us they will. And the Colonel will devour us. He will not keep this patient facade for long. He might be indulging in Wyatt's concerns about you, but he will grow tired of waiting. He will barge and he will destroy and the one that is paying him will cover up the mess. Just like he has always done.' I hoped I was conveying all the feelings of desperation and conviction in my beliefs to him. He had to understand that the Colonel was not a man of patience. He will attack us if he knows we are here, the big question was when?

'I never said we would wait for him. I will not allow Wyatt to trap me like this. I was taken by surprise just this once. I allowed myself to get distracted and he didn't waste time to use it against me.' he had a point. Wyatt acted smart while Gerard was acting like a human.

'Are you not even curious as to why he betrayed you?'

'I have an idea. You see right now money is a very good motive to the greedy and Wyatt IS very.' he tskd and shook his head seeming unable to believe his own thoughts. This confirmed my own thought, he saw the betrayal coming, he just didn't want to believe it. Does this mean that Gerard and Wyatt had a history together? Is that why he was so disappointed with Wyatt?

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