9 Not what it looks like

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'What is the nature of your relationship with Steve? What is he to you, Mr Fox?' asked a serious looking Mr Smith.

We were back in his office, him sitting in his chair his hands on top of the desk, me standing across from him and my hands clasped behind my back, stifling the urge to rock back and forth.

Seriously? Isn't it obvious? We 're lovers. Ha!

Though I doubt sarcasm would help me much in this situation.

I looked at the stoic face of Mr Smith as he sat on his chair behind his desk. His dual-coloured orbs gazing at me with ferocity. I couldn't even distinguish which eye was staring at me angrier.

What's the matter, Mr Smith? Jealous of Steve getting a piece of pastry?

'A purely platonic one. He is married you see.'

A small smirk appeared on my mouth which I couldn't control. I must have looked very weird saying that dressed as a man.

The fiery glare he sent my way warning me that the monsters of Tartarus were about to be released on me, made me lose the smug look and cower for a moment. I could not fathom why my silly person found him so appealing right now.

The only thought that passed my mind was that of me straddling him in his chair like I' ve seen Lola do to her clients, pull hard on his hair and kiss him senseless.

Bet he wouldn't even see that coming!

Feeling my cheeks flush, I momentarily averted my gaze from his eyes to his closed fists on the desk. He fisted them so tightly that his knuckles had turned white. I slightly frowned at this and he upon noticing my look hid his beautiful hands underneath.

The things he could possibly do with those paws! Argh!

Focus Foxy! I really need to spend less time in the company of whores.

'He saved my life.' was all I said. I could not divulge too much for fear of him using that information against me.

'And now you saved his? Do you feel that that makes you even or you feel loyal to him?'

'He is innocent.'

'He framed a man that lead to his murder.'

I felt anger well up inside me as I could not stomach him condemn Steve like that. He was the innocent one, not Ailey.

'Ailey had it coming.' why care so much for a dead man! His DEAD!

'Says you? Last time I checked you're the thug my right-hand man hired from the street. In my eyes, you 're no better than the filthy scum that Ailey was.'

I would never be that filthy. I bathe, you see.

'Last time I checked, Ailey had a trap set out for you and Steve saved your damned life! You should be thanking him instead of convicting him!'

I shouted in frustration my fists balled at my sides. How dare he even compare me to him?

Mr Smith immediately shot up from his seat and in mere seconds was in front of me. He towered a good head above me and my eyes were pinned to his broad chest mere inches away.

He had divested himself of his coat and now stood before me clad in nothing but his trousers, vest, and shirt, which was unbuttoned allowing me a guilty glimpse to his chiselled chest. His rich and spicy scent hit my nostrils and had my mouth watering, as desire welled-up inside me.

I could feel my legs shaking slightly while my heart hammered in my ribs. His hot breath that caressed the side of my face sent shivers down my spine.

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