23 Any means necessary

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A/N: Hello! Welcome to another Friday update! I would like to thank you all for your support again! Just because I can! 

If you like this chapter please vote, comment if you like and most of all....ENJOY!!! 


Argh! Crap!' a sharp pain tore through my right ankle when I landed clumsily on my feet and then rolled on the ground.

I laid down on the soil contemplating my stupidity. I knew I shouldn't have jumped like that. Stupid, stupid, Foxy! 

I sat up and brought my foot closer and hissed. Great, I paid for my stupidity in the coin of pain.

How was I supposed to run away with this? I touched the afflicted area gently only to feel jolts of pain shoot all the way up to my back.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!' I spat out and wiped the tear that trailed down my cheek.

Great. Just my luck. My only hope was that it didn't break.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard speech coming from above and startled, I rolled on the ground right underneath a stray wood plank for cover. I watched the window above holding my breath, praying that whoever it was didn't look down.

'I thought I felt breezy. Which one of you arseholes left the goddamned window open?' a man shouted.

Slam! And then mumbled voices echoed in the silence.

Fewh! I exhaled closing my eyes savouring the one fleeting moment of freedom I had.

But I needed to disappear. Now! I stood testing the strength of my ankle and upon finding it extremely painful, I cursed and started walking.

My traitorous mind cast an image of Gerard picking me up and carrying me like a princess. A warm feeling filled my chest that brought a smile to my face but when I remember the Colonel's words for him the smile died as fast as it appeared.

No one is going to carry you, Foxy. Ohh, but a girl can dream.

I walked wincing and cursing through my teeth. The bawdy house was on the other side of the town, but there was a place I could go that was closer, which I was sure was not deserted.

A few minutes and a mouthful of curses later, I knocked on the door three impatient times. There was no time to lose anymore as my heart beat erratically in my chest wringing me to move as fast as I could to disappear.

'Steve. Open up! It's me!' I whisper-yelled and knocked again my knuckles white with the restraint I showed not to bang the door.

The door creaked open and the eyeball popped to peek. I shoved inside not caring at all and shut the door behind me.

'Can you get any ruder, woman?'

'Shut it, Steve.'

'Apparently, you shut it.' he snapped.

My eyes widened and I smiled at the man before I looked at the door, catching his innuendo. I then shrugged my shoulders and plopped on the bed wincing upon remembering my inflamed limb.

'That didn't look good. What happened?' he said more gently this time and approached, eyeing me carefully as if he were nearing a lion.

'Oh nothing, I just jumped through a window.' I waved it off as if it wasn't a big deal. 'I need to leave town, Steve. Now.'

His eyebrows shot up in surprise.

'And you came to me for help?' he asked perturbed.

'You were closer than Lynette.' >I shrugged.

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