29 Dalliances

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 I had never before gotten so distracted by a sight so much that I almost fell off my horse three times in a row.

I had to say, Gerard was breathtaking. His thick black mane roiling with the wind. His body shaking riding out the gallop of his stallion. I could describe him like a tidal wave hitting a ship in a storm and sinking it. Or maybe a blizzard. But that would be an understatement.

I don't think humanity has invented a vocabulary rich enough to describe him. He was completely concentrated at the task at hand and kept mostly quiet. Vigilance being his priority except for the times when the scouts from up ahead came back to inform us about the state of the road.

The moment we mounted the horses he had his men circle me tightly and we carefully rode like hell was about to break loose. Which could actually happen should the Colonel found out we were leaving. The man was capable of many things, patience, when he had his pray in his mouth, was not one of them.

He would not wait to chew on my very bones, I was sure of it.

Last time I saw the fucker was before I had left for Paris. I always hoped that would be the last time I saw him, especially after everything that had happened. One thing was sure though, I was never getting back to the French capital. Too much bad luck rolled in one beautiful and deadly package.

Twenty years the man thought he was chasing a boy and should he ever truly realise the truth I was done for. He will treat me no longer as a man but as a woman and judging from the state we found Lola, I was certain I would be in for a royal treatment.

I hoped Lady Luck would not abandon me just yet...

Suddenly we stopped. Revolvers were drawn and the men around me shifted in their seats as they looked around in unease, canvassing the dimly lit area. A few whispers were exchanged and nods were reciprocated before two ventured ahead.

I watched to see what we were going to do and found myself reaching for my revolver as the hair at the back of my neck rose just a bit. We waited patiently before the two men returned with a cape covered rider pointing their guns at him. My breath caught in my lungs as I squeezed the hilt of my own gun, preparing myself for the worst.

Was this a trap? Did they find us?

The rider nonchalantly approached and then stopped several feet in front of Gerard. East End was barely awake yet.

'You could not expect me to abandon my girl to 'ou? Did 'ou, Hawk?' My heart sprinted at the sound of her voice and my hand dropped for the side. A weight lifted from my chest and my heart rejoiced that it was just my friend. I almost squealed in happiness.Lynette drew her hood back to reveal her face in the early rays of the sun.

'I think I figured out how you manage to pass through my men. You walk underneath their legs.' Gerard spoke irritated.

There was no mistaking his animosity towards Lynette and Is imply, could not accept that. I nudged my horse forward and pushed past the men to join Gerard's side.

I was not going to allow him to continue to demote Lynette like that. If he wanted to be a part of my life then he should learn to hold his tongue. At least in front of me.

The riders around me grunted their disapproval at my actions but I pressed on 'till I was at Gerard's side facing my friend.

'Gerard.' I warned in a low voice. He acknowledged me with a nod, never taking his eyes of the bawd.

'Lynette. What are you doing here? Who is taking care of the girls?' I asked concern lacing my voice.

'Don't worry about my girls, Foxy. HE is taking you away and I am not allowing it.'

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