17 Emily

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend Anonymous0902200. FOr all of your support and love! I hope you stick around till the end! I promise no spoilers!!


Was Lady luck playing games with me?

I had frozen in my place breathing heavily, incapable to avert my gaze from those beautiful eyes. Wild thoughts crossed my mind like lighting and the aftermath left a trail of goosebumps on my skin.

Suddenly the temperature in my little room started rising.

He was holding onto that doorknob so hard that his knuckles had turned a pure white. It was as if that hand was the only thing holding a beast in him at bay. His jaw was clenched and he was swallowing hard. He had halted under the threshold of my room, not expecting to find me in such a state and his eyes couldn't seem to get enough of the view I was offering.

Which was, if I say so myself, fan-fucking-tastic...

His hungry gaze swept all over me, taking me in, and when his eyes reached mine I saw both hues blazing.

He took a step inside and closed the door, never breaking eye contact. A shaking breath escaped my lips as I leaned on the wall, fearing my knees could give out. It was not the first time that a man stared at all my naked glory; I was quick to pluck their eyes away but for a very strange reason, I got excited because it was Him looking at me.

I felt the temperature of the room rise even more, or maybe it was just my blood that started to boil when he took a tentative step towards me. He did want me, didn't he? What if this was it? 

What if I should give in? There are endless possibilities with a man in my room. Him and me. Alone. In a faraway room...

Before my mind had a chance to fly at wilder thoughts he was right in front of me, his hot breath fanning my face as there was barely sufficient space to breathe between us.

Making a hasty decision, I reached in my tiptoes and circled his neck with my hands aiming straight for his mouth, closing my eyes. The hell with everything! There was nothing left to lose anyway.

Just before my lips touched him, I felt something pinch them hard together, causing my eyelids to spring open. I stared at his frowning face in disbelief and that's when I noticed he had wrapped me in my towel and was holding it tightly with his other hand.

The scowl left his face when I backed slightly away and unwrung my hands from his neck. The heat was there but I could sense his hesitation. The fingertips that had captured my lips slowly made their way upwards to caress the sensitive skin at the edge of my eyes. What was going through his beautiful mind, I wondered.

He had a naked woman in his arms, one he even tried to undress and yet he held back.

The hand that clutched the towel snaked its way to my waist and pulled me flush against him, his forehead touching mine while he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

'Do you not want me anymore?' the words left my lips without thought.

He breathed deeply once more.

'Woman... It is not a matter of me not wanting you. We are not in the right state of mind right now for anything like that.'

I clutched the lapels of his coat and tried opening it. He had a point but I had a better one.

'But I want you.'

The eyelids lifted revealing those enthralling eyes of his as they bore into mine for a long while; I could see the barricade in his feelings slowly crumbling as he battled with his own self. Arousal can be reigned for so long before it takes over. I just needed to push him over the edge.

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