3 But not in the mister ways

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 We ventured in the bawdy house undisturbed. Τhe patrons were occupied with their business and the rest of the slumps residents didn't care of our existence enough to even notice us. And an even more fortunate fact was that my friends paid very little attention to me. I was thankful for that but prepared that this wouldn't last long. Harlots liked to play...

And these particular working ladies reallyyyy liked to cheer up tall and broody men. I cast a side glance to the very tall Jones and Angry co. And tall, dark and moody looked ready to murder someone. A charming fellow wasn't he? I wonder what it would take for him to snap. 

A dirty sock? A broken plate? Or simply annoyance? Hmmmm. I would work on that.   

I hoped he knew how to keep company.

I really pitied the unlucky soul that in a very short notice would have to engage in conversation with him.

That blue eye of his was very calm for now, but the black one appeared like a portal to Tartarus with the fare to the Ferryman paid. His shoulders were stiff and his lips were set in a grim line.

All and all, he appeared to have an indisputable desire to chop someone's head off. Well, the least he could do was appreciate the view. He was in brothel after all with lots of things to stare. 

Hidden in the slumps of the dirtiest part of Longtongue, a place known only to very few, was Lynette's oasis. Prostitution was severely frowned upon so measures had to be taken in order to keep everything under wraps but sensual enough for the customers to want to have the greatest experience of their lives. At least that's what Lynette always said. The fine lounge area dimly lit, set a relaxing mood while the rich aromas of soap and fine  perfume sent the senses on fire.

 It was furnished with soft chases with high backs, the very best for the town, providing ample privacy. Simple, elegant and luxurious enough to fool ones senses, better yet out of there senses. 

The large staircase on our left lead to the upper floor where the girl's room's where and down to the more private places. Through a small gap on the back lead to my humble room, the kitchen, the utility rooms, and service door hidden away from all of this clamour and prying eyes. 

And mind you this was not the only bawdy house Lynette had. She ran very clean, very posh and very private establishments around the country. She had made an empire  ever since she went into hiding with me. Prostitution was a thriving covert enterprise in the country and she had the lead amongst many bawds. 

Besides the unlucky fellows that spared a few coins for their loins every now and again, the true fruit of her labour were the men from the high society. Not only she got to skim their arses every time they visited but she also used that opportunity for other covert affairs that revolved around anything she could get her hands on. She was untouchable.  

There was a way of obtaining all the information she needed. After a few pints of Madeira, the gentlemen of the high class became lightheaded and loose-lipped enough for the information to escape them and then the faithful minions would immediately transfer the news to the bawd, Lynette.

These ladies were the greatest masters of extracting them. Never trust a harlot and her wine. I got into serious trouble once and I don't want to repeat it. Trust me I know.

Our dearest Mr Angry made a beeline to the furthest corner of the lounge area followed by Jones. They sat on one of the plush chases- that weren't occupied- and waited.

The rest of us followed our lead and spread out scouting the place for any possible danger while blending in; Thankfully I was used to going into incognito mode.

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