24 Distrust

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Helloooo! A big, gigantic shout out to all of my readers from Canada, U.S, Finland, U.K, Poland, Germany, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and last but not least Greece!! 

Thank you all for your support and for reaching this far into the story! I hope you stick around enough to discover the end of Emily and Gerard's story!

Now above I have a design for a new cover but I wasn't sure if I should make the change in the original one but decided to just show it to you. What do you guys think? 

Now to the actual story! 

Remember follow, vote and comment if you like this chapter! See ya next Friday!



Like a whirlwind with one stride, he grabbed Steve by the scruff and pinned him to the wall. The poor man started whimpering but dared not utter a word.  

'Gerard!' I shouted and went to grab his arms.

Oh my Goodness!! Did he hear everything?

I didn't have much time to ponder on that thought as the hulking volcano had his gaze pinned at poor Steve and was burning him alive. I could see the muscles in his jaw tense and by the sound of it, his poor teeth were grinding. His knuckles had turned white from the force and he was barely holding himself not to snap the man's neck.

Steve, on the other hand, had closed his eyes tightly shut, with big, fat tears trailing down his red cheeks and breathing heavily begging internally, I presumed, for divine intervention.

He was scared, I was scared, hell, the walls were even scared by the sight of that man!

I reached Gerard hobbling and placed tentatively a hand on his bicep.

Would he snap and throttle me instead? Would he mock me for my feelings for him? That would be an even greater blow to my heart than hearing Wyatt say that he was actually trying to make fall in love with him. And that he had succeeded.

'Gerard...' I spoke softly eying both him and Steve just in case the later decided to start pushing daisies.

The black mane shifted and soon two pools of blue entered my field of vision alight with anger. 

Oh, sweet, sweet mother of Jesus let this not be anyone's last day on earth. I swear I will pray harder!

My love-sick part was elated that he cared so much as to be angry at me enough to come running back so fast to find me. The more rational part of me though knew what he was truly angry about. I run away. The best asset in finding his precious Bennet managed to slip right through his fingers. And now that he had found it what was he going to do to me?

'Let him go, please.' I asked softly, gently tugging his hands away hoping that one part of him really cared. Hoping that Wyatt was wrong.

'Please? PLEASE? He had his hands all over you!' he snarled with so much venom that... Wait...What? Out of all the...

'He just had his hand over my shoulder! And why would you even care?'

'I' he banged Steve on the wall 'FUCKING' bang! 'CARE!' Bang and released him to slump on the ground groaning.

Poor Steve.

'I don't care if it's the fucking Queen of England! No one touches what is MINE! Not Wyatt, no other man and certainly no Steve!'

He turned his attention to me and slowly closed the distance. With every step he took, I took one back without even realizing it as his eyes bore into mine with the ferocity of the flames that had consumed Rome when Nero set it ablaze.

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