Final Chapter, Part Three

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Elizabeth could hear Veronica fighting with her Dad downstairs. She buried her head in Margaret's shoulder, trying not to cry. Hey heart felt like it was about to break into a million pieces. This was so stupid.

First their Dad dragged them to an unknown town in the middle of nowhere, only to cover up some stupid mistake he had made which coast someone their life. Then after everything they had been through and were finally settling down. He announced that they were moving back home.

Veronica was supper pissed about this. She hadn't stoped yelling since he told them. Margaret was also upset. Elizabeth suspected it had something to do with that boy Margaret was always around. And as for herself.

She had just woken up in the hospital after being asleep for five days. Merlin explained that her body needed to regenerate after using so much life force. Even if she had a surplus, she still needed to be careful. Meliodas had been there when she woke up but the nurses practically forced him out saying she needed to rest.

After she was released she had come home and that's when her Dad told them. Immediately, a fight broke out between the father and middle daughter Elizabeth barely heard the door ring. When she answered it she saw Meliodas. He smiled at her, then heard what the argument was about. His eyes had widened in shock. Then he turned and ran away. That was three days ago.

Elizabeth felt a tear leak out and stain her sisters shirt as the memory came back.

"There is no way Veronica will win this fight." she whispered.

Margaret shook her head.

"Just be grateful for the time we had here." she muttered.

"You don't always have to be the mum." Elizabeth gasped trying to keep her crying to a minimal. "Sometimes it's okay for you to be a heart broken teenage girl."

Margaret laughed but stoped when a sob racked her body.

"I can't help it Ellie." she said.

"You really like Gilthunder, didn't you?" asked Elizabeth.

"Yeah." gasped Margaret squeezing Elizabeth against her chest and letting all the tears she had been holding back spill out. "I'm sorry, but I really did like him."

"Oh my God." an exasperated voice rang through the room.

The girls looked up to see their other sister. She was red in the face from yelling and her voice sounded a little hoarse.

"Bunch of cry babies." she muttered, sitting on the bed on the other side of Elizabeth. "This isn't the end. I'm not giving up until he caves."

"Veronica." Margaret gasped sitting up straight. "I know we all want to stay and we're sick of being dragged around to different schools but we can't blame it all on Father. He wants what's best for us. We weren't even supposed to come here"

"But why can't we stay." cried Veronica. "We are happy here. Personally I'm happier here then any other place I've ever been. I have friends like Guila and Jericho. Also I have Griamore. He's amazing. Even if he's an idiot sometimes I can deal with that. He make me smile and I love being around him. This SUCKS!"

Veronica now had tears in her eyes. She let Elizabeth pull her into the hug.

"You're right." whispered Elizabeth. "This does suck."

"Look who's crying now." teased Margaret between sobs.

"Shut up." snapped Veronica. "We're all crying you idiot."

Elizabeth let out a small chuckle and closed her eyes. She let herself be wrapped up by her sisters arms.

A memory tugged at the back of her mind. One where a soft hand brushed away some hair and kissed her forehead. A loving voice started to hum a lullaby. She knew that song. Margaret used to sing it when she had bad day. But that wasn't her sister's voice. It was lighter, flouting though the room like butterfly. Kind blue eyes looked down at her. A loch of lavender hair fell over the woman's shoulder. A small hand reached up and tried to grab it.

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