Chapter Thirty-Five

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Elizabeth felt like she was flouting. Everything was an almost blinding shade of white. Then she felt a small hand grab her's. She turned to see Elaine smiling at her.

"Congratulations." she smiled. "You made it?"

"Elaine?" Elizabeth asked confused. "What happened? Where am I?"

"Oh I'm not Elaine." the girl laughed. "I just took her form when she left. I have many names. My favorite is The Truth. As to where you are, well I like to call this my home."

"What did you mean when you said I made it?" Elizabeth asked. "I'm not dead am I?"

"Nope." The Truth popped the 'p'. "Not even close. Some of your friends are if you don't hurry."

"What do you mean?"

The Truth laughed and walked forward.

"You have a gift Elizabeth." they said. "You can see something that people want and yet can't have unless it's given to them. Life is like an amazing candy that humans see in a shop, but they can't buy it because they already spent their money on something else. You could say that Selim, or Pride, is trying to steal that candy."

"What do I have to do with anything?" asked Elizabeth.

"Okay, so if we stick with the candy analogy. Say I'm the owner of the store and you're the assistant. What are you going to do if you see someone stealing?"

"I would try to stop them." the silver haired girl frowned. "But wouldn't the owner also try to stop them?"

"Normally yes." said Truth. "But not if they didn't have the physical ability to do so."

"Oh." she gasped. "But what can I do? I'm tied to a table."

"Listen to me Elizabeth." The Truth grabbed her shoulders. "That is your life they are taking. You are the only one with any power. Pride knew taking you would be a risk but since you had a surplus of life force he didn't care. You are in control of your life. Do you really want it to go to some tiny punk who is willing to kill thousands of people just to live a little longer? If not then tell me Elizabeth, what happens when you throw a match into the fuel tank when a car is being filled up with gas?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened in realization.

"There you go." Truth grinned. "Tell Pride I'll see him soon."

Merlin watched with tears in her eyes as Meliodas was forced to filter the life from Elizabeth. She knew that he felt like his heart was bumping fire through his veins instead of blood. Every part of you burned with the life of someone else. And the worst part was. You knew that person, you even loved that person. It felt like you were taking a knife and stabbing them again and again and again. 

Suddenly, Elizabeth stoped screaming. Now the only sound was Meliodas. Dust was still coming out of her but it was a lot less then before.

"NO!" cried Elaine. "ELIZABETH!"

"You monsters." yelled Ban.

"Shut up!" shouted Lust grabbing Elaine's head and slamming it into the table.

Pride didn't say anything as he continued to receive the life force. Wrath frowned and opened another cut on Elizabeth. This one on her arm. Blood seeped out but not a lot of dust glowed out of it.

"What's going on?" demanded Merlin.

"This is wrong." muttered Envy staring hard at the bleeding girl. "She should have more! That's what was so amazing about her."

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