Chapter Thirty-Three

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A/N: Major violence in the chapter! It is important to the story though so if you don't want to read it, please contact me and I will tell you what happened.

Please, please, PLEASE. Do not force yourself to read this if this sort of thing makes you uncomfortable.

Is there a word for a nightmare that never ends?

Depending on who you ask...

You might get the answer...


At least, that's what Elizabeth thought as she looked up to see the smiling face of Selim, staring down at her. She could see Meliodas struggling against his chains.

"What do you think?" asked Wrath.

"I'm pleased." Selim said. "But I definitely have a favorite."

"Really?" asked Lust. "Who?"

Selim walked over to Winry and brushed some hair out of her face. Edward's eyes darkened.

"Calm down son." Wrath kicked him in the back of the knee.

Envy laughed and came to stand over Winry along with Gluttony.

"We will get good results from her." Lust purred as she ran a hand down the poor girl's leg.

Gluttony laughed and leaned in to sniff her arm. Winry whimpered and tried to pull away. Gluttony frowned and bit her.

Winry screamed and arched her back in pain.

Edward yelled as Lust whacked Gluttony on the head making him let go.

"Bad Gluttony!" she hissed.

The fat man stuck a finger in his mouth and let a tear leak out.

Pride glared at him then turned back to Winry. He leaned over her wounded arm and watched as the blood trickled onto the table.

"Winry!" Edward called.

"I'm okay." she panted.

"We should get started." Envy said.

"You're right." Lust said. "If we don't do this soon, Sloth will fall asleep and Gluttony will eat them all."

"Very well." Pride agreed. "But do something about him."

He pointed at Edward.

"No!" cried Winry. "Don't hurt him!"

Envy ignored her and removed the part of the chains that attached to the ceiling. He grabbed Ed's wrist and flung him ahead of him.

"Start moving Runt." he commanded.

"Don't call me that!" Ed hissed turning to glare at him. "And the is no way in hell I'm leaving Winry with you."

Envy grinned slightly.

"Is that so?" he asked. "Well let me tell you something Pipsqueak. If you don't do as I tell you, I will just have to do this."

Envy walked over to Gluttony and dragged him over to Winry. As soon as Gluttony saw the blood he started to drool.

"STOP!" yelled Edward trying to lunge for Envy but Wrath grabbed his arm.

Gluttony lowered his mouth to Winry's shoulder and took a bite.

The girl's screams filled the room mixed with Edward's shouting and the others yelling. Envy laughed and forced Gluttony to let go. But he took part of Winry's shoulder with him.

She sobbed as blood gushed from the wound.

Selim gave a small smile and moved to stand in the middle of the room. He raised his arms and the shadows moved to connect him to the tables where the Tragedies lay. When he connected to Winry's table, her blood started to glow.

It shimmered and moved like it was alive. Then a bunch of gold particles emerged from it and flew towards Diane.

Diane stared at it, almost hypnotized. It hovered in the air in front of her moving and pulsing, almost like fairy dust. Then it lashed forward and pierced her heart like an arrow.

All the Sins and Tragedies cried out in surprise.

"We don't have time for you." Wrath whispered in Ed's ear.

He forced Edward's leg out at a weird angle then brought his foot down on the knee, instantly breaking it.

The boy screamed in pain. Wrath gagged him and through him to the side, out of the circle that was on the ground.

He then returned to standing next to Meliodas and Elizabeth who were watching in horror as Diane's eyes rolled in her head.

"It's not enough." hissed Lust. "To bad it wasn't the little boy. Love is more powerful so it's better when it breaks."

"It doesn't matter." Selim said quietly. "Continue as planned."

Envy smiled as he, Lust, and Sloth took out long knives. The knew exactly where to stab so they wouldn't hit anything important.

"STOP!" cried King and Gowther as the three old Sins stabbed Armin, Petra and Winry in the upper leg.

The three Tragedies screamed. Blood pored from the wound and glowed just like before. This time there were more colours that emerged.

Everyone else looked on in horror as the old Sins grinned and the dust moved forward and entered the other Sins hearts.

Their eyes rolled back and their bodies started to glow. Selim's shadows moved forward and wrapped around them. He used them to make a small cut across Diane's chest.

Black dust seeped out of it and floated into the air. Pride raised his hand and it latched onto him.

His eyes widened in surprise as it forced it's way inside him. He cried out in pain but when the others moved to help him, he motioned for them to stop. Pride gritted his teeth and forced his shadows to make two more cut. One of King's chest and the other on Gowther's.

More dust appeared and rushed at Selim. The three Tragedies were still seeping blood that turned into a something beautiful that was then turned into something terrifying.

Elizabeth realized what they were doing.

Bleeding the life out of the Tragedies and using the new Sins as a filter to make life that is compatible with the old Sins.

"Enough!" gasped Selim suddenly.

Envy, Sloth, and Lust quickly covered the Tragedies wounds to stop the bleeding. The three young Sins slumped against their chains completely unconscious.

"How dare you." cried Elizabeth making everyone look at her in surprise.

Selim straightened up and flexed his tiny fist.

"I do believe someone figured out what we're doing." he said.

"That isn't your life." she yelled. "How dare you use someone else's just because you don't have one. That doesn't belong to you!"

"Oh my god!" Merlin gasped.

Elizabeth knew the older girl had figured it out.

"What is going on?" demanded Meliodas and Ban.

"They're using the us to create a life force that can bring him back to life." Merlin glared. "The Tragedies are a farm of life that they are harvesting. Us Sins are filters, getting ride of the unnecessary parts."

"How?" asked Arthur looking up at her.

"Our emotions." she whispered. "Depending on how much we care about the person who is in front of us, the more life they can get out of you and the more compatible material we give them."

"They're stealing our life." said Elizabeth.

"And they're using us to do it." whispered Merlin.

"Well I'm not surprised the girl who can see colours of life figured it out." Selim smiled at Elizabeth. "That eye of yours is truly remarkable. I look forward to removing it from your head."

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