Chapter Twenty-Three

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A/N: So I know the picture is of young Ban with Elaine, but in this story that is his brother Selion. I wanted there to be a age difference between them. So that is not Ban.

Meliodas was sitting with Elizabeth in the park right next to the hospital. Ban was playing with his younger brother Selion while Elaine watched and laughed from her wheelchair. Selion ran over to Elaine and kissed her cheek. Elaine chuckled and Ban lifted his brother into the air causing him to shriek in laughter.

Elizabeth smiled.

"I remember when my mother was alive and she would take us to the park and my oldest sister Margaret would push me one the swings." she said. "Veronica would run around playing tag with the other kids and my mother would watch us and laugh."

"My Mum did something similar." Meliodas smiled sadly.

"Can I ask you something?" Elizabeth turned to look at him.

"Of course." he nodded.

"What is your family like?"

Meliodas was silent for a minute before leaning back in the grass and staring at the sky.

"Well I guess you could say that my dad hates me." he grinned slightly. "He thinks of me as a failure. In his eyes I will never measure up to my older brother Estarossa. Not that I care. Plus my older brother is a monster. I don't think he has ever loved a single person in his entire life. My other brother Zeldris. It's complicated with him. I don't think he hates me. He just hates that my father and brother completely ignore him. My dad didn't want three kids. But my mother had twins. To him Zeldris is just an extra and he couldn't care less what happens to him."

"So he's jealous?" asked Elizabeth.

"Yup. My father might hate me but I still get attention no matter how much I don't want it." Meliodas sighed.

Elizabeth frowned. That was so sad. She lay down next to him and gathered all her courage before taking his hand in her's.

Neither of them spoke but Meliodas squeezed her hand. They heard Ban and Selion laugh and Elaine tell them to be careful.

"When will the weather get colder?" Elizabeth asked. "It's October and it still feels like summer."

"I'm not sure." Meliodas answered frowning. "I was wondering about that as well."

"Does that always happen here?"

"Nope." he shook his. "It's very odd, usually it get's colder a lot sooner then normal."

"Are you guys talking about the weather?" asked Diane.

She was standing over them and looking down, King was right behind her.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" said Meliodas.

"So should you." King shot.

"We ditched." Ban walked over with Selion on his shoulders as he pushed Elaine in her chair. "Elaine called and said she was bored out of her mind."

"I didn't mean for you to ditch." she protested. "I meant come after school."

"I wanted to come now." Selion cried looking down from his perch almost seven feet in the air. "Daddy left for work and Ban was supposed to drop me off at school but I made him ditch."

"You are a terrible brother." Diane punched Ban's shoulder. "You're supposed to set an example."

"You mean like King?" asked Elaine smiling at her brother.

"That's not fair." King shouted.

Meliodas stood up and helped Elizabeth to her feet. She brushed off her mini-skirt and stared at all her friends. Ban had put his brother down and he had run off to get ice cream from the store right next door.

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