Chapter Six

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"Ed you need to come back." Mikasa called through the phone. "Levi is going to be so pissed when he finds out you're not back yet."

"Mika I told you. I'm staying at Winry's for the night. Levi can just deal. He's not my dad." Ed growled.

Mikasa could hear him walking up and down the front porch of the Rockbells house.

"You're right." shot Mikasa. "He's your Uncle and your immediate guardian. So come home."

"I can't." yelled Ed. "You saw what happened at school today. I can't leave Win alone right now. Granny is out of town and she would be all alone."

"What am I supposed to tell my brother?" demanded Mikasa.

"I don't know!" cried Ed. "Anything. Maybe just tell him the truth and if he's mad tell him to call me."

"And you won't answer the phone!"

"Bingo." Ed chuckled. "Maybe we do share some blood."

"I wish we didn't." she muttered. "Fine. Goodnight, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Mika."

"Don't call me that shrimp."


Mikasa had hung up before she had heard any of Ed's rant. It was nothing new to her. She had lived with the little brat for almost a year now and he hadn't changed. Sighing she through herself down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

The room was pretty clean.  Some of Levi's clean freak genes had made it to her.

On her desk was a picture of her family.

She was around ten when it was taken. Her mother had her arms wrapped around her and they both grinned at the camera. Mikasa's mother's daughter from her first marriage was standing behind them. That was Trisha, Edward's mother. She was laughing while holding ten-year-old Ed's hand and nine-year-old Alphonse was sitting on the ground with Levi, playing with Hot-Wheels. Levi and Mikasa's dad was ruffling his daughter's hair with his hand on his wife's shoulder. Everyone in that picture looked so happy. Even Levi who couldn't stand watching his stepsisters kids.

Too bad that accident happened.

Mikasa had lost her parents soon after that photo was taken.

She had been in the car with them and Ed. When they were hit head on by a bus. Ed had been leaning forward trying to change the radio station which resulted in him losing his right arm. Her parents had been killed instantly. It was a miracle she and Ed had survived. She now had a ton of scars and Ed didn't have a real right arm or leg. But they were alive.

So Mikasa moved in with her half-brother Levi Ackerman. When Trisha got a job traveling all over the place and couldn't afford to take both kids, Ed offered to move in with them. It wasn't so bad. Mikasa believed the reason he volunteered was because...

Winry had decided to move in with her Grandmother and Ed didn't want to leave her alone. She had had a lot of trouble since she had lost her mother and father many years back, and now she couldn't stand living with her cousin anymore. So they both moved here.

Mikasa heard the front door open.

"I'm home." Levi called.

Mikasa got up and went into the kitchen. Levi sat at the table rubbing his temples.

"What's up?" she asked. "You look awful, and why is there blood on your sleeve?"

"Long night." he muttered. "Where's Ed."

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