Chapter One

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A/N: Elizabeth has an eyepatch in this. So just imagine there are white straps in the pictures of her.

"I really don't see why father cares so much." complained Veronica. "I mean, it's really sad that she died, but we didn't even know the girl."

"I hate to agree with you." sighed Margaret. "Why did we have to move here. Couldn't we have gone to the funeral and than returned home?"

"Father told me that there is some huge investigation surrounding her death." chimed in Elizabeth "He want's to be close to the action and he wanted us to see if we liked it here."

"Well I don't like it." groaned Veronica.

"Dear sister." chuckled Margaret. "You can't judge it yet, we haven't even started school."

Elizabeth smiled and unpacked another box of living room stuff while Veronica continued to rant.

"Okay!" cried Margaret, raising her voice slightly which instantly shut Veronica up. "Non of us are a huge fan of the situation but our cousin is dead, and even if we never met her, we shouldn't complain."

Elizabeth nodded along with her older sister.

The next day the three girls got ready for school. Elizabeth decided to wear a short black skirt and pink shirt without a jacket since it was still pretty warm out.

When she came down the stairs, she grinned at what the other two were wearing.

Margaret wore a long dress and simple flats, while Veronica had on tight black pants, dark blue shirt that hugged her chest, and comfy brown boots.

"You guys look nice." commented Elizabeth.

"So do you." said Margaret wrapping her arm around her youngest sister. "Good luck today."

"You too sis." Elizabeth leaned her head on her shoulder.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, Elizabeth was left alone. Her sisters were both a year older so she would have to find her way to her class by herself.

Unfortunately, everything was a little overwhelming.

Elizabeth walked head long into a boy causing them both to fall to the floor.

"Watch it." he snapped.

The boy had blonde hair that was tied back into a braid, golden eyes and a red coat.

"Sorry," cried Elizabeth jumping to her feet and offering her hand to the boy.

"Jeez Ed," came a voice from behind her "you should really watch where you're going."

"Whatever Winry." the boy, Ed, muttered getting up on his own.

Elizabeth turned to see a pretty girl smiling at her.

"Hey," she said "I'm Winry Rockbell."

Winry had big blue eyes, pale blonde hair parted so most of it was up in a high ponytail but some fell on either side of her sweet face.

"I'm Elizabeth Liones."

They shook hands.

"I'm sorry about him." Winry gestured to the boy. "His names Edward Elric, Ed for short."

"I can introduce myself thanks." muttered Ed.

Winry chuckled leaning down to pick up a book that was still on the ground.

"This yours?" she asked Elizabeth.

"Oh, thanks." she took it than turned to Ed "I'm really sorry for bumping into you. I was distracted and didn't see you."

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