Final Chapter, Part One

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Mikasa walked up the stairs to the hospital with Eren. They passed Sasha and Connie who had just seen Armin. They warned the two that Annie was still there and they needed to be careful because she didn't look very happy. Eren pointed out that she never looked happy. Their friends laughed and waved goodbye.

Eren went to see his friend and Mikasa headed straight for Petra's room where she knew she would find her brother.

As she approached the door she heard the sound of someone laughing. She peaked around the corner to see Petra being lifted into a wheelchair by Levi while Edward and Winry watched while supporting themselves with crutches.

Petra already had one broken leg, and then was stabbed in the leg by the old Sins. So she wasn't allowed to walk for awhile.

Edward's leg was healing nicely. Dr. Havoc told him he was lucky it was such a clean break. Winry said she was just glad it wasn't his metal leg because then she would have to take time out of her busy schedule to fix it. Ed's reply to this was...

"Busy my ass."

He was right. Winry wasn't allowed to do anything either with her shoulder all messed up and a wounded leg.

Mikasa smiled and knocked on the door.

"Hey." she said.

Everyone looked at her. Petra grinned and held out a hand.

"Hello." she said as Levi set her down. "Thank's for coming. Where's Eren?"

"With Armin." Mikasa answered.

"Is Annie still there?" asked Ed.


"Poor boy." sighed Winry dramatically.

"I think it's sweet that's she looking after Armin." said Petra. "I didn't even know they were dating."

"They're not." said Levi. "They've just been friends for a long time. Armin is pretty much the only person Annie is nice to."

"Anyway." Mikasa continued. "He's going to come around later to see you and Winry."

"Not me?" asked Ed.

"He said he'd knew you'd be with Winry." Mikasa grinned.

Edward blushed and turned away. The door opened again and Elaine stuck her head in. A huge smile on her face.

"You'll never believe what I just saw." she said.

Ban opened the door wider so the couple could enter the room.

"We were just about to go see King." he explained.

"Yeah, and Diane was in his room and guess what." Elaine's eyes sparkled like a kids on Christmas day. "They were kissing."

"WHAT?" yelled Winry.

"What kind of kissing?" asked Ed.

"What do you mean what kind of kissing?" said Elaine. "This is my brother we're talking about. I'm just surprised the kiss wasn't on Diane's cheek. It was so cute."

Petra laughed and leaned back in her chair.

"I remember my first kiss." she said. "I was fourteen and it was on a dare."

"That's not very romantic." frowned Elaine.

"Not all of us are lucky enough to meet the love of our lives in high school." Petra pointed out.

"Who was your first kiss?" Mikasa asked her brother.

"I'd like to know that." Petra turned to look at the man standing behind her.

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