Chapter Fifteen

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"This is kind of intimidating!" said Armin.

"You mean going over to a house that we met the owner of yesterday or the fact that he sent a car to get us?" asked Edward. "Why are you even here? You didn't even meet the weirdo!"

"Eren told me to come." Armin accused his friend.

Elizabeth looked around at her friends as they rode in the back of a limo on their way to Lin's house. Last night she had gotten a message from him and he asked her to tell everyone to gather at her house and he would send someone to escort them to his house. When she had asked how he knew her number and her address he said that they had been written on the inside of the lunch box she had given him.

"I can't believe you went into the old school yesterday and didn't tell me!" Eren said. "I've always wanted to do that."

"Yeah meeting a psychopathic ghost was just great." muttered Ed.

Winry was sitting next to him, a long colourful scarf was wrapped around her neck to hide the bruises. She looked pale but on the whole she acted the same as always. Edward on the other hand. 

Winry had stayed in the hospital all night and Ed hadn't left her side. When the staff had told him to leave he got really upset. Then when security made him leave, Winry had totally freaked out. So he had stayed. But now, the circles under his eyes looked really bad.

Elizabeth sat back in her seat (which was very comfortable) and looked out the window. They were reaching the towns limits and still the driver told them it would be another ten minutes. The trees were getting thicker and thicker and they saw less and less cars. Where on earth was this place.

Edward's phone went off and he answered it.

"Hey Petra." he said.
"I'll be home in the afternoon."
"Levi said something about a thing with Roy."
"Yeah that's probably why he's gone."
"No Mikasa is with Diane today."
"Sure, bye."

"It's so unfair." complained Eren and Ed hung up. "You get to have the best looking teacher living in your house."

"Yeah only because she has a messed up past and Levi is totally head over heel for her." said Ed.

"I've never seen him like someone before." said Armin. 

"You have no idea." chuckled Ed. "He's actually nice around her."

"What is he normally like?" asked Elizabeth.

"Well you've had his classes." said Eren. "He's super strict and will kick you in the head if you make the same mistake over and over again."

"Kick you in the head?!" she repeated shocked.

"Not really." laughed Armin. "Eren is exaggerating. Levi takes his job seriously. He wants all his students to pass and will do everything in his power to make sure that happens."

"That doesn't sound terrible." frowned Elizabeth.

"Mikasa told me that the reason for this is because when he was in high school after what happened with his friends, he felt like he had no one and didn't even bother to do his school work." Edward said. "He was doing a bunch of stupid stuff until Mr. Hughes helped him out."

"You mean our economics teacher?" asked Elizabeth shocked.

"Yeah. They have been friends for years." Ed nodded. "Levi got his act together and went back to school. He promised Hughes that he would do the same thing that Hughes did for him for some other kid."

Elizabeth smiled.

"That's really nice of him." she said.

They felt the car stop. Everyone looked out the window to see their destination.

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