Chapter Twenty

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"A prison??!!" cried Elizabeth. "Why on earth do you want to go there?"

"One of the original Sins is there." explained Merlin.

"So you want us members of the present Seven Deadly Sins to investigate?" said Meliodas grinning.


"I'm in!" grinned Diane.

"So am I." said King clutching the green pillow he carried everywhere.

"I would like to go as well." Gowther chimed in.

It was Sunday afternoon and the Sins, Elizabeth and Arthur were sitting in the park by Elizabeth's house.

"You know I'm game." chuckled Ban. "When do we go?"

"I thought we could go now." smiled Merlin holding up her keys and spinning them round her finger.

"Sounds good." said Meliodas.

Elizabeth just opened and closed her mouth like a fish.

"Come on Elizabeth." begged Diane. "It will be fun."

"But it's a prison." she protested. "We could get hurt!"

"We aren't going to jail." said King. "Everyone is locked up. No one is going to hurt us."

"We aren't going to force you to come." Meliodas assured. "You can do whatever you want but you should know that we are your friends and we won't let anything happen to you."

Elizabeth stared into the boy's beautiful emerald eyes. She knew he was telling the truth. After a minute of staring she finally nodded. Meliodas's face broke into a grin that could rival the sun and caused Elizabeth's heart to skip a beat.

"Do you need to tell your father or sisters?" asked Ban.

"Right." she jumped. "I'll be right back."

Elizabeth ran back towards her house. The Sins watched as she disappeared. The sun had come back after that day in the hospital. Once again it seemed like Autumn would never come. The trees still looked green and everything still brimmed with life. When he looked down, Meliodas could even see a small group a daisies popping up from the ground. Leaning down he picked one and twirled it round his finger. A laugh echoed through the area. They all turned to see Mr. Mustang and Miss Hawkeye from school, walking around and smiling at each other.

Diane snickered.

"It's about time they went out." she said. "Matrona told me that the two of them have been friends since they started at this school five years ago. Wonder what took them so long?"

"Oh I don't know." teased Meliodas. "What took you so long to go out with King?'

"We're no dating!" the two of them cried at the same time turning the same shade of red.

"Right." laughed Merlin leaning against Arthur. "Come on. Let's go get my car."

She dragged the boy away while the others waited. Soon they saw Elizabeth's long silver hair running towards them.

"Sorry for the wait." she gasped when she reached them. "My dad wanted to know when I would be back. He said he needed to talk to me about something."

"Any idea of what it could be?" asked Diane.

Elizabeth shook her head. Everyone started to head in the direction that Merlin and Arthur had gone. Meliodas walked next to Elizabeth and looked up at her beautiful face. It seemed the more he looked at her the less of Liz he saw. Liz was guarded where Elizabeth was open. It took almost a year for Liz to open up to him. She had been so scarred by her past. Elizabeth was like a breath of fresh air.

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