Chapter Eighteen

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"You complete IDIOT Edward Elric!" Winry screamed threatening to hit him with a wrench she had brought to the hospital to fix his arm. "You almost died! Do you have any idea how angry I am with you?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Ed held up a pillow in defense. "Please don't hit me! I won't do it again! I promise! Don't kill me!"

"Come one Ed. She's not going to hurt an injured person." laughed Petra hobbling in on crutches, Levi right behind her.

"I wouldn't put it past her." he muttered before holding out his right hand for Winry to examine and fix.

"I feel sorry for the man who's grandfather just died." Petra sat in one of the chairs and stretched her leg. "It must be hard for him. But Dr. Havoc said that the guy was ninety-seven. The man must have known when that nurse came out."

"When that nurse came out I was the one who almost died." whispered Winry.

"I'm glad the two of you are okay." sighed Levi. " And Ed, I called your mother two days ago to tell her how you were. She and Al freaked out when they first heard. There was also a message for you from some guy named Lin. He said Lan Fan was still gone but she should be back by the end of the week."

"Man!" complained Edward. "And just when I thought we'd had a lead. What did Mum say?"

"She wanted to fly back and see you. I managed to talk her out of it though. She wants you to call soon." Levi answered.

The small boy nodded then gasped as Winry connected the nerves in his arm.

"When I get my hands on that guy!" she muttered angrily. "He's going to get it. How dare he do this to my beautiful creation!"

"Gear head." whispered Ed.

"Do you want to have an arm or not?" she snapped glaring at him.

"You're the best Win." he said quickly.

The door opened again and Meliodas walked in with Elizabeth who had her hands hidden behind her back.

"Hey Ed." Meliodas grinned. "It's amazing, you look even smaller in a hospital bed."

"I'm not a short as you, you midget!" Edward shouted attempting to sit up but that just caused Winry's hand to slip. Ed received a jolt of electricity through his arm.

"Stop moving you moron!" said Winry as the boy yelped in pain. "It doesn't matter who's shorter, because right now we are all shorter then Elizabeth."

Elizabeth turned red as they all turned to look at her. She had never considered herself to be tall but now she was self conscious about it.

Meliodas just smiled and sat on the side of Edward's bed.

"You gave us quite a scare" he said. "Merlin said that she thought you were a goner."

"Wha-" Edward's jaw dropped.

"No she didn't." laughed Elizabeth. "She said she had complete faith that you will recover."

"You're right." Meliodas said. "It was King who said that."

Elizabeth looked at him for a split second before turning to Ed and handing him a bouquet of flowers.

"These are from the Sins." she said. "Everyone knew you would be fine. And these are for you Miss Petra."

Petra excepted the second bouquet with a show stoping smile.

"Thank you guys so much." she said.

"Yeah, thanks Elizabeth." Edward gave her a small smile.

Winry frowned. Maybe it was stupid of her, but she didn't like when Edward was talking to Elizabeth. Probably because she wasn't used to Ed being nice to anyone except his family and her. Winry really liked Elizabeth. Even though they've only known each other for about a month she considered her one of her best friends. But for some reason it was different when Ed was around.

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