Baby Celebration Dinner

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Thanks for reading guys! I got a lot of great reactions and comments from the previous chapter and it just makes me all fangirly for you guys. I hope that's not weird. haha. But yeah, massive thanks for all your support! Keep reading and tell your friends! Thank loves! Enjoy the chapter <3 xx


Beth was pregnant! This was so exciting. I guess I had nothing to fear about that nightmare. Everything was going to be okay. Nothing was wrong with Beth and nothing is going to happen between Harry and Paisley. 

"Did everyone hear that?! Daniel and Beth are having a baby!" I shouted into the radio.

"This calls for a celebration! We're all going out for dinner, my treat!" Daniel shouted. Beth just giggled at her long time boyfriend.

"What about the radio station?" Freddy asked.

"We'll put on a rerun. Maybe Izzy and Paisley's last take over when they crashed our radio station?" Daniel teased looking at me while wiggling his eye brows.

"I will punch you where the sun don't shine and that baby of yours will not have any siblings." I threatened. Everyone in the room started laughing because they all knew that I was serious. 

"Fine, fine. We'll just replay last years, today, play list. Freddy, Omar, make it happen then go and get ready. We'll leave here at… since it is 4pm… we'll all be ready by 7pm. Sounds good? Is that enough time for everyone to wash up and get ready?" He scanned us for any complaints.

"Nope. That should be good." I chimed.

"Okay, let's get going." He grinned and went into the lift.

I turned back to the mic and announced to the listeners how sorry we were that we had to cut things short and that we'll make it up to them. When Freddy and Omar located the recording, we all went to our apartment to get ready. All the boys went into their room, and all the girls came into mine. 

"Okay, who's first?" I questioned the room full of girls.

"I think everyone that's planning on styling their hair should go first, so that their hair can dry." Danielle suggested. 

"Very true. Who is planning on styling their hair?" I asked. 

It was only Paisely and I that raised their hands, which made sense considering that our hair were straight and boring. Because my hair was longer and thicker, I went to shower first, followed by Paisley, then Danielle, and lastly Eleanor. After I got out of the shower and towel dried my hair as much as possible and then slipped on my undergarments and searched my closet for something decent and appropriate to wear. 

"You need help there, love?" Eleanor popped out of nowhere and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I don't know what to wear." I pouted staring into my walk in closet.

"Babe, you've got a lot of clothes here." She giggled. Danielle came next to us.

"Whoa, you have a lot of cute stuff in here." Danielle walked in. The three of us dug threw my closet looking for something to wear. 

"AHA! What about this? It's hot, sophisticated, and very cute." Dani held out a dark teal dress. It had a heart bust, with a low cut back part, and stopped mid thigh. 

"That is cute!" Eleanor gushed.

"Okay, and I can pair it with this!" I held out a black leather jacket.

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