Goodnight Kisses

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We finally finished cleaning the mess we made and were now just sitting around in the hall talking about anything and everything.  We were still in our filthy state, but we weren't too worried about that. We could stay up as long as we wanted because the boys had a free day tomorrow, so there was nothing to worry about. 

Liam and Dani were sitting side by side with Liam's arm around Dani's shoulder. Eleanor was sitting on Louis' lap with Zayn and Niall on either side of them. Paisley was sitting next to me and Harry, and across from Niall, and I was sitting in-between Harry's legs as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, making me lean onto his bare chest. We were reminiscing at the fun we had just an hour ago. 

After another hour of chatting, we all decided to freshen up. For the boys, Zayn went first, and for the girls, Paisley got in the shower first. The couples decided that it would be faster to shower together. We sat in the hall waiting for our turn. When Zayn was finished, Niall went in to take his turn. Paisley took a while in the shower as always. That girl just loved the feeling of the warm water caressing her skin. When she finally came out, Niall was also done. Liam and Dani went into the boys room to get clean and Harry and I took our turn in my suite to rid ourselves of the filth and sweat.

Thinking nothing of the fact that I would be in the nude with Harry, I stripped the filthy shirt and sweat pants I was wearing, leaving me in my bra and panties. When I turned to face Harry, he was only in his boxer briefs, smiling down at me with that cheeky smile of his. In return, I just stuck my tongue out at him which earned me a chuckle from his lips. I walked over to the shower to start the water- making sure it was a good temperature. When the water was warm enough, I turned back to see an all natural Harry Styles standing a few inches away. Automatically, my face began to go red. 

"I like this reaction." Harry chucked. 

"Whatever, get in the shower." I rolled my eyes and pushed him into the shower all the while I was giggling. 

Harry hopped in and I rid the rest of my undergarments off my body. When I got in, Harry immediately pinned me to the wall with that, oh so, cheeky grin of his. As the water soaked the both of us, I looked up into Harry's gorgeous green eyes. His curls were dripping wet as most of it clung to his face. 

"You're not getting none tonight, if that's what you're thinking." I poked him on the nose. 

"AWW! Baby! Why not?!" He whined, pulling me into a hug. 

"Because we need to get ourselves clean. AND… it's girls night." I stated in a matter of fact tone.

Harry groaned and gave me his adorable pout. I let out a light laugh and went on my tippy-toes to give him a quick peck on the lips. When I pulled away he smiled and wrapped his arms around me bringing me into a real kiss. The kiss was a bit rough and full of passion. I could tell that he was serious about me and I could definitely say the same. Harry had a way of making me fall deeper in love with him everyday. In all honesty, it was a scary thought, but I knew that Harry was worth it.

Finally able to get out of the shower after having to fight Harry off of me, we got out and dried ourselves off. As usual, Harry hung his towel and walked to my room without a care in the world. Unlike Harry, I wrapped the towel around me and made my way to my room. As I was walking I heard a scream.

"HARREH! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" Making my way to Harry, I saw Niall standing in the lounge of my flat.

"Niall?" I questioned.

"Sorry, I got hungry and wanted a snack." He confessed. I let out a laugh and pointed him the direction of the kitchen.

Harry and I went into my bedroom. He shuffled through my dresser looking for what ever clothes he had here. I put on a black ribbed tank and my 1D pyjama pants. Harry slipped on a plain grey shirt and black basketball shorts. When he turned around, he paused for a bit as he looked at my pants then back up at me. He smiled letting out a small chuckle and walked over grabbing my hand.

"Cute babe." He complimented and kissed the temple of my forehead.

"Thanks, it's my favorite pair." I joked, although it was very much true.

Harry lead me out the bedroom door to see everyone in the lounge of my flat. Louis and Eleanor were playing video games. El would hit Louis' hands in hopes of making him mess up, and Louis would to the same to El. Niall was still in the kitchen snacking on the food the girls and I were eating before. Paisley was with Zayn watching YouTube on my laptop, and Liam and Dani were being all cute out on the small balcony. 

"So much for 'Girl's Night.'" I laughed out loud. 

"I guess in the end, we all couldn't be apart." Harry smiled down at me.

"THIS IS JUST HOW IT'S MEANT TO BE!" Louis yelled, wiggling around on the floor trying to beat El in Mario Kart.

"Mmm mmthess isth tho guudth." Niall mumbled with his mouth full. 

("This is so good." Just in case you didn't get that xD)

Harry and I made our way to an empty seat with Harry's hand was still intertwined with mine. We sat there in silence enjoying each other's presence. It was one of those times that no words were needed to know how much we loved being together. I rested my legs on his lap and my head on his shoulder. 

I shifted my head so that I was looking at him and he was looking at me. His emerald eyes were beautiful. As cliché as it was, I literally got lost in his eyes. Whenever I gazed into them, it was as if time stopped and the noise around us was suddenly on mute, and it was only me and Harry. This was one of those moments. Harry was staring into my chocolate orbs as I stared into his emerald greens. A smile was on each of our lips as we enjoyed each other's company. I noticed Harry's face getting nearer and I knew what was coming next. 

"Well then boys, girls, it's nearly 2am. I think it's time for us to go our separate ways." Liam's voice rang and interrupted Harry and my moment. Surprisingly it wasn't Louis this time. I heard Harry groan and I let out a soft laugh.

"Just my luck." Harry complained.

"Don't worry Hazza, we'll see each other again in a few hours." I reminded.

"And it'll be Izzy and Harry Day." Harry said like a selfish child.

"Yeah, it'll be Hazzy Day." I nudged his rib lightly with my elbow. Harry laughed and hopped off the couch.

He held out both hands and without hesitation, I grabbed on to them. Harry lifted me from my seat so I was now standing. He looked down at me as I looked up at him. His cute little side smirk playing on his lips causing me to smile back.

"Haz, kiss your girlfriend and let's go." Zayn shouted from the doorway.

"I'm coming, hold on!" Harry yelled back before turning his attention back to me.

He rested his hands on either of my cheeks and smiled, which of course cause me to smile as always. 

"Goodnight Harry." I beamed with a giant grin. I saw Harry blush and turn his head slightly to the side letting out a soft scoff. 

"Goodnight Izzy. I love you." Harry stated. Before I could speak, Harry kissed me. The kiss sent shivers down my spine and made me weak in the knees. The kiss was sweet, innocent, and full of passion. When we parted I was finally able to say those special words back to him.

"I… love you too." I said breathlessly. I still felt like I was still coming down form cloud nine. 

Harry chuckled and pulled completely away from me. He said goodbye to the rest of the girls and closed the door behind him. For some weird reason, I felt like I missed him more than I ever have.

"AW!!!" Dani, El, and Paise squealed.

They literally sobered me up from the haze Harry left me in. I jolted my head in their direction to see them grouped up together tightly. Dani and Paisley were hugging each other, while El was hugging a pillow. The sight of them was absolutely adorable.  

"Whatever." I blushed smiling at them. 

We all burst into laughter as I lunged towards them. They screamed as I crashed into them. Our laughter only getting louder. I loved these girls, and I had One Direction to thank for that. Harry had his brothers, and now I have my sisters.

------- AWW!!!! a haha! YAY! I am just so happy and I love Harry, and I love all the boys, I just love'm love'm LOVE'M! Don't forget to comment, vote, or fan! :) It makes me happy! xD Thanks for reading guys! :) xx

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