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After the performance, Daniel dismissed me early and handed me $100 for me and Harry to go out and eat lunch. I looked at Daniel unable to believe that this was the real Daniel we all know and, kind of, love. The other boys were teasing us and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"Ooh!!! Another date Hazza?" Zayn joked winking at us.

"Any specific plans, lovebirds?" Liam asked with a big smirk on his lips.

"Nando's is always a good spot to have lunch." Niall suggested with a wink. I laughed along with everyone else in the room. Typical Niall. That's probablly be where he brings all his dates.

"We'll keep it in mind." Harry humored the Irish blonde boy.

"I reccommend bowling." Louis stated.

"A night out in town maybe?" Liam suggested not wanting to be left out of the conversation. 

"You guys should do something really athletic. Izzy is so hilarious." Daniel suggested. 

"Or go to see a scary movie, Izzy will definitely be all over you." Freddy said happily. Beth laughed as well as the other workers around. I groaned in embarrassment. 

"One night, Izzy slept in the station with the crew that works the overnight show. She does it almost everytime we watch a scary movie." Daniel revealed. 

"Oh, in that case, Harry take her to watch a scary film." Louis laughed. 

"Maybe I will." Harry smirked. I elbowed his rib and he laughed rubbing his side.

Harry grabbed my hand and lead me out of the building. There were tons of fans out and they were screaming Harry and my name. Harry and I were waving at the fans as they were making their way towards us. Paul and two other bodyguards came out to make sure we didn't get mauled by some of the crazy fans. Many of the fans wanted a picture with either Harry, me, the both of us, or all three. It was quite flattering. Many fans were also singing Stand Up which I would occassionally fist pump at the chorus. This practically sent the crowd into a screaming frenzy, especially when Harry would join in. Many questions were being shouted out as well. Questions about if me and Harry were legitly a couple and where would we be going for our second date. There were also questions about our first date and about the performance we just did in the station. Out of no where Louis and the other boys ran out of the station. I was bewildered at what was happeing.

"HAZZY, HAZZY, HAZZY!!!!!" Louis and the other boys began chanting pumping their arms in the air to get the fans to join them. 

Soon enough the fans caught on and they were chanting "HAZZY!" over and over again. I looked up at Harry who had a the biggest grin ever. His dimple was deep and I couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't long until Harry was chanting along. This made the already present blush on my cheeks darken. 

"SHHHH!!!!" I heard someone trying to get the fans to quiet down a bit. 

I looked for the source of the hushing and saw Louis trying to calm down the fans. The other boys followed his lead. What was going on? This was all so bizzare. The loud ruckus soon simmered down with the exception of a few fans in the back. I looked at Harry confused then at the other boys who were just staring at me and Harry with mischevious grins on their attractive faces. Louis ran up to Harry and whispered something into his ear. Harry's expression went from confused to excitement as he had a big smile on his face. I looked at them with a raised eyebrow. What's that about? Louis then shot Liam and the others a thumbs up. I looked at all the boys and they were all looking at me with the same big smile as Harry. Now I was worried.

"Attention everyone! Harry here, has something to say!" Liam yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. 

I saw Omar and Freddy run out with a camera and a mic. Daniel and Beth were not too far behind. I was looking around at what was happening. It seemed that everyone knew what was going on except me. 

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