We had fun for the first couple of hours together just talking about random shit and we really didn't get into all that stuff about the other night until later on in the night when everyone else started leaving.

"So... what do you remember about the other night?" I asked Heather as the three of us laid on the blanket over the grass as we stared into the sky.

"What night?"

"Ya know, the night we went to the lake..."

"Trav, you're gonna have to be more specific because we went to the lake loads of times within the past couple of weeks."

"The most recent time?"

"Oh... that night's kinda foggy for me. I just remember us talking for a bit and then at one point I decided to go for a swim... rest of it is all a blur pretty much."

"So you don't remember the part where you stripped and went skinny dipping?" Elijah asserted in the most straight-forward way.

"No... but that sounds like something I'd do!" To my surprise she burst out laughing. For some reason, I had thought she'd be like, embarrassed or something... but obviously she wasn't.

"And the threesome?"

"Holy shit! We had a threesome?!"

"No... but you suggested that we should have one. You went on and on about how you wanted the both of us... you also kissed the both of us," I explained to her.

"Yeah, I'd so do that!" She just kept laughing.


"Yeah, I'd be down for that, honestly."

Elijah and I exchanged a glance.

"So just to be clear... you'd be down to have sex with the both of us... at the same time?" I asked for assurance, unable to believe that she was so casual with talking about a threesome.

She chuckled. "Yes... who wouldn't be? You're both really hot!" I never really considered myself to be hot but if she thought so then I guess that's all that mattered.

"You're not kidding?" Elijah asked for clarification. It was one thing being offered a threesome by a drunk girl, but it was another thing when she was still down to do it when she was completely sober.

"No, I mean if you guys are down... I've been on the pill for months... so yeah, I'm definitely cool to fuck the both of you," Heather said so casually that I knew that there was no lie in her voice.

Elijah and I exchanged a second glance, this time as we both sat up simultaneously. He looked into my eyes, as if asking, are you sure you want to do this? Even though, he fucking knew that I did. I wanted it so bad. This was my chance to get with both of my crushes at the same time. How could I ever throw away such an opportunity?

We then looked over at Heather and I finally gave her my answer. "I'm definitely down," I said with confidence, whereas Elijah struggled to give his answer.

"Yeah, I don't know about this..." He muttered with reluctance. Don't tell me this bitch was chickening out already!

"You said you were cool—"

"I know but..."

"Oh come on, Elijah! Is Trav not your best friend?" Heather inserted herself in, seemingly just as enthusiastic about it as the night she was drunk.

"I mean, yeah but..."

"But what? Elijah? You keep saying 'but,' but yet you never finish!"

"I don't know. I mean, I'm down to do it... but I'm just worried that it's gonna be awkward between us, Trav," he said, looking at me. Yeah, maybe I should've just listened to him here, and then things wouldn't have happened the way they did. But of course, I was too desperate to lose my v-card that I didn't think about the repercussions.

"It won't be awkward... it'll just bring us closer. Strengthen our bond, ya know?" Yeah, not exactly sure how literally I meant that.

"Look, if you're worried about it seeming gay... it'll only be as gay as you make it. After all, you're both fucking me, a girl, so I don't see anything gay about that," Heather interjected, sensing that that was one of the reasons behind Elijah's hesitance.

"It's not about that..." Right...

"Look, it's not gonna be awkward, man. I promise I won't make it awkward. We'll still be bros afterwards, no matter what," I assured him. Oh, I was so confident back then... and that was before stuff happened.

"You don't know how it's gonna be, man. You've never had sex before, so it's for sure gonna be hella awkward for you."

"Tick-tock... either you're in or you're out?" Heather said, growing impatient with this conversation.

Elijah looked at me again, as if preparing to turn me down. "I just hope it doesn't change anything between us..."

"It won't. You'll always be my number one bro!" Yeah, spoke too soon.

"Alright, I'll do it," Elijah finally agreed.

I remember I felt so excited at hearing him say that. I was finally gonna lose my virginity, and my best friend, who I was crushing hard for, was gonna be there with us. I fucking knew it was gonna be a crazy-ass experience and I couldn't wait for it.

"Great! So where are we gonna do it?" Heather asked a good question. The three of us fucking at camp probably wouldn't work very well. None of us have our own room and there is essentially no other place on the campgrounds that we can all have sex privately without anyone stumbling upon us.

"A motel?" Elijah suggested. "A real cheap one, ya know like Motel 6 or something?"

"What, like, just leave camp?" I asked.

"Yeah, we come back the next day... no big deal."

"Yeah, it sounds all good and dandy but how are we even gonna get to a motel? I mean, we're kinda in the middle of nowhere," Heather said, for once being the responsible one out of all of us.

"We try to get a lift," Elijah said casually as if he had this whole thing figured out when he was one of the most reluctant ones to even participate in it.

"Sounds like you got it all figured out," Heather commented, laying her head back down on the blanket.

I grinned at Elijah, and he smirked back at me. We then laid back down beside Heather and continued our star gazing.

Who would have thought that it'd all go to shit after that?

Summer of '07Where stories live. Discover now