Time to Explain

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The room was silent and the glances that were shared led to few. My living room stayed quiet for that hot minute. I could hear the slight sigh Nathan gave.

"I'm sorry Bella! I truly am, your my friend and I refused to tell you anything." Lana bent her head in apology and Nathan still was in the process of choosing his wording.

"It's fine Lana, It's not like I didn't know." My reply only made Parker chuckle beside me and on response I hit him.

"What I want to know is how it happened." Parker said.

"True that."

Lana nervously shivers as Nathan stared into space. Meanwhile, In the back of my mind I'm hoping my mom doesn't come from the store early, I can tell this is gonna take awhile.

"I confessed Friday night nothing much to it." The boy who seemed to be down for the count is now speaking actual human words.

"Huh?" Parker and I  simountaniously said confused. This boy is telling me that he got from confessing to making out in a matter of minutes. As I screwed my head to the person beside me he was doing the same thing. His eyes were wide open and his brows were in competition with the clouds.
The silence broke with a loud ring of a song I know pretty well.

Green. That's all what comes to mind as I pass by so many trees. Today my mother and I are going  to the station, once Parker reported about Zayn, they got another lead on Emma.
This time, I want to go. The pit in my stomach will only continue to grow if I don't.

"Grandma called." My grand-mother wasn't the most depressed person. She isn't the most happiest either. My grandma is kinda the person that kept holding my hand in most situations.

"Really? How is she mom?" My grandma refused to leave her house, after all most of her life remained there.

"She went to pay some bills and did some cleaning. You know your grandmother, she loves cleaning."

"Yeah." Grams also decided to stay if Emma ever wanted to go back, that she would be there waiting.




"You haven't been honest with me lately. I know that much. You know if something is bothering you can talk to me."

"..." I really don't want to bring it up right now. Please world, if you care do something.

Almost in an instant bird poop  splat right on the window.

"Ugh really? This stuff annoys the hell out of me."

Thank you world, I owe you.
"Mom relax, let's just take a quick detour and clean it off by a gas station."

"Sure you're right."

My mother and I are in a what you might say 'dry patch' in our relationship.

She tries talking to me, bond with me and I drastically change the subject. I don't know what else to do, I love my Mom. I don't like worrying her. And I especially don't like making her feel like she's doing something wrong. I just don't know what to say, or how to say things to her right now.

She has lots on her plate right now. I don't want to hurt her feelings. I really think she's starting to calm down. I just want it to stay that way.

"We've seen signs that she's always going to one neighborhood recently and through that neighborhoodb we've been able to notice that three people live in the place we believe she's at. One teenage male, one teenage female and one baby boy." The police officer told us, I was shocked. It's a boy, my heart started radiating off happiness.
I mean this isn't how I expected to find out, but I guess it's better than some other ways.

"Where are they?" Teenage male?

"An apartment complex, from here it's about a two day drive including the pit stops." Two days? Where the hell did she go?

"Give me the address."

"Mom I think you need to-"

"Bella your staying."

"What why? Emma always had a weak spot for me."

"And right now she's to afraid  to face you."

"Mom I'll in the car, she won't know I'm there, can I just-"

"Bella, we came here because of the opportunity. Missing two days is alot of work to catch up on. I'm leaving as soon as I get this address."

"Mom. You can't do this." Tears start rolling down my eyes, I want to go. I want to see Emma, tell her if she wants to be forgiven I've already forgiven her. I don't want to be lonely, I don't want to be the mistake that causes problems for everyone.

I want to be like a main character in the books I read. Happy, everyone likes her, they see you as the perfect person to talk to. That person you can never be ashamed of.
Now that I think about it, I have none of those qualities. That's more of Lana's personality, or even Emma. I can never be like that. So I guess, she'll always be afraid of me.

"Bella?" I wipe my eyes and trudge my feet to the door.

"Drop me home first." My heart was aching, I felt it as it beat rythematicly like a pounding hammer. I wanted to sleep, and honestly.
Never wake up.




"Credit Card."



"Bella you're worrying to much."

"Drivers license."

"Yes Bella. I'll be fine, I'll be gone for a maximum of five days."

"Why five?"

"There will be more rest stops with a baby."

"That's true, make sure your bag has enough clothes."

"Bella I know that."

"Just making sure Mom." This face is getting exhausting to keep on. I smile, with my eyes closed. Parker has noticed that when I smile with opened eyes I'm not really happy.

"Remember, I left money on your bed. That's for the five days."

"Thank you Mom. I love you."

After I said those words my mother's eyes went soft. "I love you too."

"Now go, go. I want to see my little nephew soon." I softly pushed her out the door way.

"Okay, okay. Bye." She then independently strode to the car and reversed out the driveway.

"Later." My smile dropped once I shut the door. My loneliness creeped in, and my happiness for a nephew was one of the only things keeping me sane at this point.

I wobbled my way to my room and plopped myself in bed. I felt the darkness surrounding me slowly consuming my conscience.





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