I'm His Girlfriend-

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I knew it. Someone had have been watching us. What the hell is going on! Why did this have to happen? I should've told him, now he's in a hospital bed, all because of me.

The familiar ivory painted walls blinded me in many ways. I didn't like this, not once. "What were you thinking? Why did you do that?" Tears trickle down my cheeks waiting impatiently in the lobby. I was to afraid to go in. How could he get shot and I was right there, I was right there.

Finally, a doctor walked up to me with slight concern in her eyes. I could care less about that now, I just wanted to know what's going on! "You must be Ms. Romano..." She said with a voice as delicate as paper. Shaking my head she continued. "Your mother seems to be undergoing treatment as we speak, If she does wake up any sooner, she can be out in the matter of two weeks." I wanted to cry so much, it's like the world doesn't care how many flips and turns it makes, as long as I'm miserable.

Bella ...

Inner voice, I really don't want any criticism right now.

I'm scared...

Me too.

"C-can you tell me the current situation of the other patient. U-uhm Parker Neword, that's his name." She gave me a slight eye roll and switched documents to find his.

"U-uh Yes Mr. Neword is in good shape. It seems that the bullet landed in his upper arm, we were able to remove the bullet, but the bullet did hit a bone, fracturing it." What? I--

I covered my face with my hands, trying not to cry. "C-can I see him?" The woman shook her head, sighing.

"We are still taking some test, in the mean time, we'll need signatures from a parent or legal guardian over 18." Great, just great, the time were calling a family member would be good, but I don't have their numbers.

"I'll sign. I just want to know how my brother ruined my trip to New Jersey." Wait- I've seen her before...
She's one of those Nobel prize actresses, I think her name was Adrienette. She played in plenty of movies. I can't let her know I recognized her like that, there would be two ways she would react: I'd either would flare her ego by a hundred or she would be creeped out.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Adrianette Neword, Parker's older sister."
It's crazy how Parker looks nothing  like his siblings. Her eyes were eletric blue and her hair was shoulder short blonde. Her face was round but not overly round, she didn't have a hint of extra fat anywhere and her chest wasn't to big for her body. This was living proof of how I wished I looked. She sighed the document and went on to stare at me.
Me...note that I've been crying for the past five hours non-stop. The--- brown hair, brown eyes, fat faced, pudgy tummy, and double D cupped---me. Help.

"I'm Bella, your brothers girlfriend." I averted her gaze as I said that. I remembered we are supposed to tell his parents this weekend.
Goodness, I could feel the non-belief eating away at me.

"I don't believe you. Tell me the truth before I see through the other patient you're here for can't get admitted in any hospital in a 5 hour radius."


"Spit it out."

"We are dating. I'm telling you the truth. We came to New Jersey because my mother got into a car accident, on the way here, we went to a hotel. When I woke up the next morning, I heard him scream my name and then he was already shot once I woke up." I mean, I technically wasn't lying. From the non-lie I started again. She stopped giving me that fixed glare and sighed.

"You want to see him that badly?" I can guess that she's still going to look into this. This just got a little more complicated a little to quickly.

"Can I?" The doctor as if on cue came back again.

"Your mother's test are done. It will take a few more minutes for your friend, but you can visit her." I sighed, I turned to Adrienette and gave a smile with watery eyes.

"Can I visit him after that then?" She scoffed but slowly shook her head. "Thank you!"

Parker I hope your okay.

Me too.

Inner voice, your less critical today.

I like him, way more than I used to like Zayn.

Huh? What?

Nothing, we gotta go.

Oh yeah.

So I quickly and quietly followed the doctor to my mother's room.


"Mom, I'm so sorry that I didn't come with you. I knew it. My mind wasn't willing to believe everything would've been fine." Somethings wrong. My mom, Parker, something recurred in both of these events. The days apart had to be planned precise enough but with the right hitman, anything is possible. No.
Then, it's Gwen, because if it were she would've went with a more flashy and expensive hitman, but someone who can scare us both just enough just to split. Who?

"Mom, I swear, I'm going to find out who did this to you and they are going to pay." That narrows down the suspect list not much but it's helpful. I watch my mother's unconscious breathing as I thought. I thoughts after another came to mind. Wait-

"Oh my God." The guy-

Bella, why would it be him?

It would have to be inner voice, think about it! He has a motive to for us to split up. He doesn't like either of us. He wants to scare us into being afraid and passive to everything. I mean everything as in everything.

So he hurt parker instead of you because that meant you would convince him into the corner.

Crap. If I can only remember everything from that contract. As soon as we get back we have to get to his place.

"Mom, we might be over this sooner than expected." Please, stay safe until then.


"When he wakes up...don't tell him about me being here." Her voice was soft, sad soft. I knew the tone all too well.

"Why?" I slightly mumbled just to feel her eyes toggle at me.

She inhaled deeply "We aren't on the best terms." She then averted her gaze once she said it, breathing out.

"He'd still know, someone signed for him. He's not an idiot." I could feel her eyes grow softer than before. She stared at the ground, doing who knows what.

"Your right, but if you can avoid the question please. He doesn't need to know that I saw him in this state." This state? He was shoot in the arm!

I don't know how this family works but his must be really rough around the edges. I could feel the heaviness in the room as she left, I felt bad. "You need to wake up soon, I miss you way to much." I say holding in my barely many tears.

"I need you to solve this, I still need to figure out if I like you beyond the point of friendship." Just...both of you, wake up.


It's been a week and my mom is still down for the count. I told Parker everything that happened when he was unconscious; including his sister coming over for a visit. She didn't come back after that one visit though, once telling him he did look on the down side.
"It's just, my mom raised us to never be weak, so seeing me in such a weak state might've triggered her in some sort."

"Alright. I get it. She told me not tell you, but you were going to find out anyway, so I didn't want you to hate me more and just-"

"What do you mean hate you?" Crap. Why am I speaking my irrational thoughts again? "Nothing."

"Bella, your my friend. I don't hate you either. If I did, you think I'd be so open with you?" He's right. It's just my mind wondering again.

"It's nothing."



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