New school, New people

28 1 9

Bella's POV
Two weeks later
"Tesaro, sweetheart, wake up." My mom said.

"What, what's going on, is there a special at a food joint? " I asked sleepily.

"Time for school honey, get up."


"If you don't get up I'll give you a-"

"I'm up, I'm up."

Running out of bed I jump in the shower, with the cold water running over my hair.

I jumped out after 30 minutes of contemplating. And soon after that I sat on my bed in a towel, thinking of all the people I would meet.

After 20 minutes of that I look on my phone to see it's 8:25. ' oh crap I'm going be late.' I told myself.

Dashing to my closet I yank out the usual, oversized sweater, jeans and soon converse.
Snatching my bag off the ground.

Putting on my under clothes then my my outfit for the day, I ran out of my room in a flash.

"Why did it take you so long to get ready, I woke you up at 7:30."

"I had to make a good impression?"

"To who, you never cared about clothes, ever since you were 5."

"Whatever let's get me to school shall we? "

"Let's get going!"
I got to school on time since I ran inside, I thought I would blend in with the crowd.

Hell I could be more wrong. I stood out like a sore thumb, everyone had at least a Chanel or even Michel kors bag. Not that then it was Gucci accessories.
Then Versace that was there to, okay basically all the most expensive name brands.

When I'm here with a a sweater and jeans.
I did stick out but that didn't stop me, the principal gave me my locker number and combination a week ago. He said that the schedule is in my locker.

So I started wondering for a good 10 minutes and finally found my locker. I ran towards it and smiled. This seems like a start of a good semester , it really does inner voice.
I take out my books from my bag, and took out my schedule, I wanted to get to all my classes on time so that meant learning them as soon as possible.

I saw a girl wearing a crop top and a designer skirt, I remembered my mom saying from her favorite fashion designer.

"Hello?" The girl turned my direction with a smile.

"Yes? Sorry but...I've never seen you...are you new ?"

"Oh yeah,my name is Bella I'm new here, I came here on scholarship."

"Wow, you must be Einstein in the making that exam literally has been failed by almost 400 people!" She said amazed.

"No I just studied some college subjects, and a lot of Senior year questions." I laughed.

"Literally only one person could've passed the exam, and still be able to come here either way."

"Seems rich."

"He is, and super hot."

"He hangs out with the other hottest guy in school, Nathan." She looked like she was in a trance after the word Nathan.

"What's his name?"

"Parker Neword."

"He's related to the founder?"

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