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As I lug out the car with two boxes in my hands straining myself trying to move. I rather carry all of my stuff one time then having to take a double trip.

Alas, I had five boxes with literally only two boxes that filled clothes. I never wanted or liked a big closet.

I didn't like having so much clothes, I liked my limited amount that mainly just had over-sized sweaters and some jeans. And shoes you would either find some converse or maybe a pair of sandals. I don't own heels firstly because they hurt my feet and second I just don't like them.

Moving towards the house what I would be calling home until college. I am going to be a senior at this school called 'Neword High ' , most people would call the entrance exam hard. When I call it a piece of cake, I needed to move anyway for a reason , and that reason being my mom.

I sigh, my sight staying in front of the house and I fell a pinch of relief. My mom and I had been through a lot, and some of it dealing with my dad. My dad had died in a car accident with me in the car my mom had been in the car too.

It was a dark time, but I hid my sadness for my mom. I would now for comfort just study. It's not like I ever had friends in my old school. If you count my ex boyfriend, but he is for a different story, same thing with my sister. I had been utterly devoted into my school work. I would always study or just read a book. My sadness would then go in the back of my mind and my main basis would then be that book or paper. There are very few nights were I would cry myself to sleep. The silent crying, I wouldn't want my mom to hear me.

My mom would always try to comfort me but it would just lead to both of us crying and hugging. That would happen very few times too. When I told her about being endorsed to a high school that puts in good word for my college application. Not only that but I thought mom and I needed to move. Our old house only made my mom cry nightly which I understood. When I brought up the idea and the college I'm planning on going to is in the same city she agreed instantly.

"Bella, honey are you okay?" My mom said, driving me out of my haze of memories.

"U-h y-yeah I'm perfectly fine." Lair. Oh shut up inner voice.

"Well... let's check out our new home Mom."

"Yes." she yelled in an ecstatic tone.

My mom opened the door to our new home. Sitting my boxes down to examine my eyes trailed every detail of the place. I started walking around the house. It looked beautiful. In the living room had green walls with white trimmings. My mom got an interior designer come and set up everything, well interior designer is her best friend. I loved how it gave a home vibe to it.

"Bella? Are you there?" I hear my mom say.

"I'm here, what wrong?"

"Oh,nothing just unpack your stuff."

"Okay, Mom love you."

"I love myself too sweet heart."

"Mom? Really?"

She started giggling. She is the best mother I could ever ask for.

"I love you too, tesoro." (sweetheart in italian )

I once again picked up my boxes and started heading to my room, my mom gave me the directions and I held those directions in my mind.


My room shades are black and white. My favorite color is blue, but my old rooms color was blue and I wanted to try something else. I unpacked all of my things,believe it or not I just think I don't need so much clothes even though every time my mom got a break from work she would want to got to the mall with me. Whilst she spends her time in shopping for outfits. I sit and wait in the food court and eat food. Or even just read some books, I don't study when I go to the mall but I do relax.

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