A Party?!

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The warm refreshing scent of coconut overpower my nose as Parker and I ride to his villa. Today made my head hurt, those teachers don't know when to give me a break. Worse yet, people attempted to conversate with me! It's a surprise, I know but I'm not that much of a social butterfly so making friends is kinda awkward for me.

"Let me guess, you have a maid there?" I mumbled as I held my head viewing the the neighborhood his place is located.

"Just one. I'm never there anyway." A slight hum left my lips for a reply.

After a few selective houses, a blanket of bushes rested beautifully trimmed to perfection leaded to a gigantic home with thick black gates. My eyes popped open when he slowed down to turn in. I snapped my head back to him as we pulled in. Mom, I think I might be in love. Just imagining what he has in his fridge has me elated.

"You're hungry again?" He sceptically eyes me. I didn't even realize we had parked until his little outburst.
I innocently smiled as I twinkled my fingers "Maybe."


"Jenny, can you make Bella something?"

"Yes Mr. Neword. What should I make?"

"Anything she asks for." Just like that, the young woman turns to the kitchen staralizing her hands.

"What would you like to eat Ms." The kind smile on her face became slightly fake after she faced me.

"Bella's fine, and some crackers would be fine." I sent her fake grin right back and watched as she put a few crackers on a plate for me. "Thank you." Now I just gotta find out where the hell that idiot is.

Bell(Me): Where are you?

Green eyes(Parker): In my study.

Bell(Me): I need directions pleaseeee.

Green eyes(Parker): Alright, take a left to the fourth door in the hall.

Bell(Me): Okay, I'm coming.

"The fourth door...fourth door, left...okay." The door opened for books upon books to be in huge cases the same way the door is placed. In the front of everything, Parker's huge wooden desk stood. Wow. That deserves a cracker.

I dashed to his desk, to find behind it a next one already in place. About twenty books piled on his desk, so I took one as I rested done the crackers.


The only way to get this wedding called off is by dating another person. Who would do that? Lana has Nathan, and Paten and Gwen are sisters. Pfft, what am I kidding Paten was never an option. She's too troublesome.
Why did Lana force me to do this mess of a party, I hope she knows I'm not showing up. I'll be in my room and will be locking my study.
But there was always something at the back of my mind I wanted to know about Bella.


"Yes." Her dull brown eyes shone light in then for the first time in days.

"You keep giving me hints of your past, but you never seem to actually tell everything."

"Huh, so you wanna know why I'm here and why I seem to look abnormally sad sometimes." Her voice. It's getting darker, and her smile straight.

"Pretty much. I mean you really don't have to-"

"I was diagnosed with depression." Wait what? "Before anything, I seemed to be targeted by bullies non-stop. I ended up always standing up for myself. No one stood up for me," she takes a look back up to her orbs shining. "It wasn't then though. After Zayne started dating me, everything got worse. The threats, the fights, the times I've witness my own friends betray me. I have a picture of him in my old phone, but it actually should be somewhere in here." Her voice became shaky so she quieted down her tone. She pushed her phone in my face to the body zoomed in. "Then finally, my sister slept with him and got pregnant. She even kept it secret for two months." The strength in her voice seemed to be weakening by the word but her words made me just wanna kill that guy. "The dueche didn't even want to take care of the kid and I broke up with him of course. After a few weeks of shame, embarrassment and me ignoring her Emma ran away and finally confessed to our parents she was pregnant." Now I want to give that guy a slow and painful beat down. "And after about two weeks, the police got a lead on her. When we were driving to the station -my -he..."

She's un-clicheTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon