Parker Neword

27 0 4


His eyes, demanding.

My eyes, looking as if I'm planning what part of his face to rip apart first.

The way he... starred at me felt like he was looking at my soul, I see a glint in his eyes, at least he knows that, he can't find any fear in my eyes.

"What the hell did you spill on my jacket?" He asked sniffing his jacket.

"WHAT THE HECK DUDE THAT WAS MY FOOD" I yelled, I could believe he was mad, but did he notice a bunch of girls behind me glaring my brains out?

And the 'goo goo' eyes at him.

I don't even know his name but by the looks of him, he's starting to get me angry.

Rolling my eyes at the piercing eyes behind me I take a deep breath.

Now he's looking at me bewildered. Has he literally never been yelled at before...well it's perfect time to learn .


"..." His cold stone reaction to me yelling then had me on the verge of strangling him to death, but
there are to many witnesses.


"THIS?" I yelled.

"This is so..." I start grumbling in Italian.

I was so angry, I mean I know I have anger issues but, not eating lunch is a whole bad mood.

Before I knew it, I was outside.
Wow, quick.

I looked around, lunch still had 45 minutes left. I decided to just Postmail lunch.

I waited in the quad for about 10 minutes and my Taco Well had arrived.

I smiled Taco Well always put me in a good mood.

I turn around in assurance I was alone to notice Lana coming my way.

I sigh, I feel like one of those teen love stories where the girl finds the richest guy in school, and messed with him at the beginning of the movie.

Now my contemplations are getting the best of me.

That can't be like those cliche stories... right?

"BELLLLAAAA!" Lana yelled which really was not needed, but I replied none of the less.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Well I saw your stunt you pulled." She said wierdly.

"Yeah, I just put in a bad name for myself." Not like I care.

"Well, that stunt you pulled it on was the person I told you about."

Wait... don't tell me I? Well I'm dead.

I think to myself in how all the worse outcomes will just pounce on me in record time. Of course, while I eat my food. Before I know it I'm done. Well wow girl you finished the food in record time. Really inner voice. Not time to criticize me. Get me out of this, your there for a reason aren't you?

Well, you could just apologize for being in the way.

Oh not gonna happen sista, it's not my fault he bumped into me.

Umm, ahuhhh, I've got nothing.

Really? Then why are you here?

Lol, to criticize you, hahahaha

Just leave me alone then since I have to do the work myself.

Alright, alright, what about leaving him alone?

Why would I do th-?! What that makes since!

And if he comes to you, you tell him what you tell anyone you think fits under the irrelevant category, he's human too.

Thanks inner voice I really needed that.

No problem.

"Bella?" Lana wakes me from my haze.

"Yeah, sorry?"

"So... what are you going to do?"

"Do what I always do in an irrelevant situation...leave it alone."

"Uhhhhhh..." She replies with a confused face.


"Your the first girl who I met who thinks a situation with him is irrelevant..." She looks suddenly shocked.

"Well, he's human too, and I don't care."

"Wow, you are one of a kind aren't you?" She says in a curious matter.



Wow. Well that was something, a crazy girl mad at me for wasting her food, it's usually a girl mad at me, then remembers who I am then apologies. It seems that, that girl won't be apologizing anytime soon.

Funny. It's really hilarious.

"Wow, hahahaha, that was pretty funny." Nathan laughs in the background.

"About time you show up." I say taking off my jacket, heading to a table.

"Well I didn't want to interrupt a fight with two nice people I know..." He says waiting for me to ask how does he know the other person.

"How do you know that person, as antisocial as I might seem I know everyone in this school?"

"Well, she's new of course."








"Higher than mine, so far I guess."

"Cool enough, well I want lunch, who are we buying from today?" I say pulling out my phone.

"Eh, I'm feeling a spread today!"

"So I'll call Carl then." I answer.

Carl's my butler, he's also our families company's deputy adviser on the school board. My Mom gave him the position since he's so good at business. Well I mean she is the founder and chairman. My Dad gave her the school and several of his businesses to control. Since she's the independent type, heck she started a business with some of her famous companies funds.

I walk out the cafeteria with 15 girls going after me. I reach the door that leads to the quad, no one is usually there so I walk that way. 

My eyes suddenly adjust to the image of the glistening sun, with the cool autumn breeze. I sigh, and my eyes see a pair of people. Seeing it I rigid the other way. I call Carl as soon as I feel that not many can hear me.

"Hey Carl, man, can you bring me a spread?"

"Of course, young Master , haha, yeah sure Parks." He speaks.

"Yeah see ya in a while then."

I stocked over to the bench farthest from the pair of girls, that I just noticed. I decided to move a little closer, so I could see the faces.

It was until a noticed, who were sitting there. Which made me smirk pleasurely.

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