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I forcefully lie through my teeth, and laugh with the party of people. My crush, Max caught a glimpse of me laughing. My heart did the tango and my voice left me in seconds. I'm completely blown away every time I see him.

"Chapter five." Quiet mumbles leave my breath as I flip the page. My mom went to work and left me with the duty of arranging the pantry. I'm already quarter of the way, and I'm reading one of these books I got from the mall. Simply put I'm home alone doing a chore. It's Monday and it's just past four so she should be back after five.

I wanted my Mom to pick me up but Parker told her something and now he's dropping me home.

I scratch my head in confusion to what he actually said. Another flip of the crisp paper followed. "The basic things should go in the middle. The things we have a lot of can go at the bottom." Slight murmurs leave my mouth yet again as I added the bags of sugar at the bottom row.

The storm gray in his eyes told me to back away, yet I see weakness in them. I sense a need for help, I guess that's why I stay... I want to know. What help do you need, I'm here. Waiting. That's what I've been doing for the past three years.

A slight sigh left my lips when I saw grocery items were still next to me, and there was still so much space.

"Your phone is ringing! Hey!" My old ringtone bursted through the silent afternoon. I kept my old cell in case Emma tried reaching me. Or if I forget my phone someplace and something happens in the kitchen and I need to reach the cops. I know, over-the-top. It might actually be the first reason though.
I went in the utilities drawer and yanked my phone out. The number didn't look familiar at all, but Emma left everything, her phone was found in a diner's garbage can.

"Hello? Bella, Babe it's you Thank Go-" A very familiar voice made my face go dark. It's not Emma either.

"Bella? Bella come on answer me, it's Zayn." I know it's you Zayn, I told you to leave me alone. I mean it.

"I've tried calling you for months, almost a year! You still can't be mad right? It was a mistake!" Ha, mistakes must be real hilarious then because you treated me like a joke.
The call ended, my mind went back on the single thing I hate most in my life. Why can't you just leave me alone, my feet couldn't care less and gave out under me. My hands craddled my face as tears dripped from my eyes. "This is stupid! Out of all people! Me?" I muttered to myself, my mind mistook them for screams.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to be apart of this anymore, leave me alone." I sniffled in between sobs. I don't want this to keep torturing me.
The voices will start coming if I keep thinking about this.

It's your fault Bella haha~~

No I didn't. I was in the car, all I did was sit in the car.

How did you survive then?

I don't know. I woke up in the hospital, it wasn't me.

You should've never come home that night Bella.
We would've been a happy family again.

Stop! Secretly everyone had been having a problem. I was the only one living in a fantasy! It's you, that need to get over it. You might see a family painted with lies put I don't.


No. Just leave me alone, I did nothing. I know it might take awhile for me to realize it, but I hope it happens sooner than later.

I suddenly regained consciousness with water filled hands and puffed eyes. I washed my hands by the sink and splashed some water on my face.
"Ha~~~" I take a long sigh and stare lazily at the groceries left on the floor.

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