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Bella's POV

Parker seems to be a generously alright guy. The difficult part is he doesn't understand the importance of food. It honestly gets my blood boiling to the fact that the kid is to rich for his own good. It's almost ridiculous.

At last I'm home though, from a tiring day.

I slammed the door shut by accident, also almost slipped on the ground by the rug under me being so slippery. I caught myself on the air, don't even ask how. Exhausted, my idle legs started to function as I made my way to the couch.

I plopped myself with the greatest sigh of relief for the day. My muscles were close to being tense and were slowly going to relax. Out of no were my mother came dashing out of the the hall.

"Bella!" She called my name sniffling through her tears.
My laziness for the spilt second left me, only to spring up.

"What's wrong mom? You alright?" I asked looking lost.

"They found a lead! They found a lead on Emma!" My mother started crying and hugging as I blocked out her words, and took them as muffled words. My sight became blurred.
My mouth only stayed shut. Finally, I found my voice.

"Emma?" I said involuntary, I'm sad, mad, really and honestly just frustrated.

"Yeah, they said they witnessed I young girl around sixteen with a baby!" It might be her. True.

"..." I had no words.

"You wanna come to the station with me?" My mother finally asked me after my episode of dramatics.

"No, no. I'll be fine. Gotta catch up on studying." I told her lost, feeling emotionless. I felt mad at first, now I'm just dull.

"Okay, um... don't wait up I'll be home after seven okay so call me if you're gonna leave the house." My mom told me as she heads to the door uncomfortably. Her talking on the phone became forever muffled as I lost focus. Am I scared...? Why would I? I'm not mad at Emma anymore. Then why can't I bring myself to see her again?

Maybe it was you...

Inner voice you can't say that.

It's not your inner voice Bell, this is all you...

They wouldn't have thrown her out, they loved Emma!


It's not my fault.

Why did you have to tell Dad? Your Mom wouldn't be so depressed if you didn't tell them.




It's all your fault he's dead!

Leave Me Alone!

Next thing you know my mom's gone and I'm in my room. When I got there I took a shower then changed into some sweats and a T-shirt.
I got my Music book and wrote a piece, then reviewed Math, after I looked over Biology. My mind completely forgot the outside world with a quiet room and just my books. The coolness in the room helped me relax. Which made my mind numb to the world. I didn't feel angry, nor did I feel frustrated. Since Ididn't feel anything sense my only focus was my review session. My desolate thoughts were uninterrupted. My eyes landed upon a tricky Math question, so I got a scrap book to answer it.

After I got the answer needed, my mind had been in the mood to write a short poem.

Crying help

She's un-clicheHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin