X- Project preparation (part 2)

Começar do início

"Here's you action man totally ready for action again." Austin said kissing his brother. He was now literally grinning from ear to ear. You could say straight away he was related to Austin. He had same facial structure like him and was adorable.

"Are you Austin's new girlfriend?" He asked turning his gaze to me.

And also their behavior was same I must say.

"No, No. I am just his project partner." I said awkwardly.

"Does that mean we can go on date someday?" He said with naughty smile. My eyes shot open.

'Typical Austin.'

"She's too old for you, Tyler." Austin said laughing.

We both headed to his room.

"Don't ever think of telling anything about this in school." He said

I wondered what he was talking about then it struck me. "Oh about you being a softy, huh?" I smirked.

"I'm not." he said embarrassed. I just laughed at his reaction.

We reached his room. I was shocked to see clean room in front of me. My theory of bad boy's room was proved totally wrong by Austin. I thought boys have messy rooms with clothes and books scattered here and there. But his room was even cleaner than mine.

There was a king sized bed in middle a flat screen TV with Xbox connected, a study table and couch. Walls were painted light blue and were decorated with many photos of Austin, his brother, family, and friends. I smiled looking at the pictures. Austin looked cuter in his childhood.

Austin turned to face me. "So sweetheart since we are in my room is there anything else you want to do other than that silly project?" he whispered coming dangerously closer to me. I could feel my cheeks already warming up.

Damn this boy exactly knows what to say to bring this reaction out of me.

Play it cool Jenny. He is just trying to distract you.

"Not so easy, Austin." I whispered in the same manner slightly pushing him away. I could see a small smile on his lips by my boldness.

"Let's just start the project."

"You are so mood killer, I'm bored." he said by lazily sitting on bed. "How can you even think of a project with such a hot boy beside you?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's play twenty questions." he said suddenly rising from bed and coming closer to me. I was about to say 'no' but the innocent puppy dog face he made was irresistible.


"Let's start by easy questions As I don't want you to run away because of my talented questions." He asked "What are your hobbies?"

"Well I love singing, reading literature, Gardening. And yours?"I asked curiously

Getting to Know Austin is what I always wanted

"Wow you are a total nerd." He said laughing on which I rolled my eyes.

"Well I love riding bikes, traveling, racing, playing guitar, reading to some extent and almost every sport."

"I am impressed. I hadn't exactly expected reading and playing guitar from a guy like you" I sincerely replied.

"I don't need to tell you my hobbies to impress you. As I know you are already impressed by my charms" he said with a playful glint in his voice. "But I'm surely not what you have heard about me."He added

UNTAMED FEELINGS.(Published)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora